Thursday, August 1, 2024



Priestesses Of Light


The earth secretes its mysteries

in a radiant cosmogony,

amplifying nocturnal voices

in blue streams and delicate flowers;

dark bushes disenthralling

ancient songs of gargoyles

and waterfalls.

Then, the moon prints its secret tattoo

in the bright world of the dreams,

poetry gushing in its milk

of silence and mist.

And the priestesses of the light

assemble, craving their lunar root,

their white seals,

when the dawn utters its purest


and the doves, like white flames

clearing the shadows,

come and drink in gentle waters.


Venus Anadyomene


Today, the world dawned virgin,

floating all around,

because I was born from the arms of spring,

in a white paradise of blue and silence.

The bees are flying around the flowers

whispering supreme madrigals,

sipping the nectar from the shadows.

The sea is calm, trembling,


and the seagulls levitate over the blue lightness

of the waters.

On diaphanous islands of lilacs,

in ancient times,

Venus Anadyomene will have been born,

in fresh days like these,

bringing out the mysteries of poetry

among scented lines

and cascades of wisteria.


A Flower Floating On The Water


Like an island where nothing

ever arrives,

neither boat, nor word, nor a hug,

that's how I feel.

But the sun keeps shining

and everything can happen

when you imagine yourself

sailing to an imaginary East.

One day, maybe!

Everything can happen!

I know.

But I don't know why I keep asking

for sweet palm tree dates

on a rainy and lonely night.

If I could just anticipate

the gesture

of a flower floating on the water...




MARIA DO SAMEIRO BARROSO (Portugal) is a Medical Doctor, a Germanist and a multilingual and awarded poet, translator, essayist and researcher in Portuguese and German Literature, Translations Studies and History of Medicine. She is a Member of Honor of the Association Alia Mundi from Serbia, an Ambassador of Literacy and Culture of the ASIM SASAMI INDONESIA GLOBAL WRITERS of Indonesia, and has authored over 40 books of poetry, translations and books of essays.


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