Thursday, August 1, 2024



Silky Times


We are witnesses

of new silky times.

Old mothers do not give birth to slender sons,

fragile daughters are not like their patriarchal mothers

huddled around the chimney of the family home.

The old red and white thread has been torn

from the cauldron with which my grandmother

every time in front of the fireplace

patched up the pieces of time

from today till tomorrow.

Grandfather puts his hat on his gray hair,

with the hunting rifle he descended

upon the mountains to hunt wild rabbits.

We are witnessing stingy times.

In the glassy cobwebs

stand only

           the silky spiders.


Submerged Sides


I always believed in the changing skin

of the first myths.

The world is born from a pea,

then it suddenly dies in the dark whirlwinds.

The cosmos is born again,

a glassy-eyed newborn

he sees us and reassures us

in the fiery creation.

I always believe in passing skin

of the last myths.

I stretch the slimy bow

on the bareheaded bubble.

Today the century is drowning in the hot waters.

There is no salvation!

The new Noah

from the sinking ark

he is lying to himself

that here and now

in front of us

the truth unfolded.


A Silk Road


The Mystic Monks

in Chinese shrines

like hermits guarded

the age-old secret.

Everyone who entered

through the mythical gates

to unravel the knot

under the neck carries

a silky cord.

The noble cocoons

are stingily hidden in

the bamboo sticks.

Byzantine monks

outsmarted the East.

They spread a silk road

in their wake.




MARINA MIJAKOVSKA (1984) is a Macedonian writer and researcher. She has PhD in Philology. Marina has been a member of The Association of Writer's of Macedonia and Association of Writer's of Croatia (Zadar). She has published thirteen books. Her poetry has been included in various anthologies worldwide. She published this poetry books: "Nomadic Soul", "Suitcases, "Psychoanalytic Alchemy Of Passions", "Turquoise In Summer", "Bed Of Silence", "Bony", "Oqueani i grave" and "New Year's Children Poems". Also, short stories books as "Houses" and "Stories from Pajko Maalo". Books with essays and critiques: "Genre Polymer", "The Models Of Gender Identification" and "Écrituré Féminine and the Novel: Annex to the Feminist Theory of the Genre", as well. Mijakovska won several literary awards.


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