Thursday, August 1, 2024





My heart has withered

Feeling bare and bereft as the trees in winter

Cold and alone without you.

Donna McCabe ©




A gathering of peoples

In celebratory moods

The atmosphere infectious

Laughter, smiles and well wishes

As the sky is filled with colour and sound

Humanity bonds, comes together

In a harmonious gathering of oneness.

Donna McCabe ©


Colour My World


You colour my dreams with positivity

Allow me to blossom and grow

In my own unique way

Encourage where others have constantly discouraged

Always chase those demons of doubts away

Been my anchor through many a storm that blew

My rock on which to lean and hold

Yes, you colour every aspect of my life

The most precious soul I have had the pleasure to know.

Donna McCabe ©


Feminine Connections


Us women of every shape and form

Of every land on earth are connected

We are the faces of a goddess in human form

We are imbued with deep courage and strength

Warriors in the art of life and rebirth

Our shoulders are made to bare

The weight and knocks of life's brutal brunts.

Donna McCabe ©




Drawn to nature, the natural world

To inhale its freshness

Feel life's shackles unfurl

Realign ones thoughts and feelings

get some sense of grounding, clarity

Remember my roots

See the beauty all around me

Gaining a fresh perspective of life

Of my place within it

A new sense of gratitude

Has been replaced.

Donna McCabe ©




The cleansing of water

The feeling of it on the skin

The sound it makes falling

So soothing within

The love of mother natures cleaning elixir

Is a miraculous life giver

As well as a spiritual uplifter

Donna McCabe ©




DONNA MCCABE is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years’ experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page and poetry page.



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