Thursday, August 1, 2024




All Things Are Round


Everything in the universe returns to its source.

Life is a mysterious circle.

The end of one journey

is just the beginning of the next.

All things are round.


Everything doubles back on its track.

From birth to death.

In a lot of ways, it comes full circle

and goes on and on, without end.

All things are round.

Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down.

We may cry, we may rage, we may smile

act profound and strange.

Life circles about and about.


But in the end, everything comes back around.


Powerful You


The power lies deep within your being

so never let yourself be a victim.

Lead with your wisdom and turn away

from the things you don’t love.

Wisdom is your power.

Crawl if you must

if that is the only way

to learn how to stand on your own!

You must fall to become aware

of your bravery. You are a lioness.

Don’t ever be the victim

and never be afraid to change.

Feel the love and harness its power.

Life’s always gonna be a little strange

with beasts, you have never seen.

But don’t be a coward

instead, roar with your greatest power.


Warmth Of Love


I need that security to rest and trust,

to be able to give my soul to you,

to cling up and feel the warmth together.

If your unmistakable gaze opens

in all the clarity of you, we can hold

each other for the time my dream allows.

That thick warmth of your sleepy breath

against my chest. Burst into a flame,

and all I want is for you to receive my inner fire

and to taste the softness of the moon.

This is what I need — safety, warmth, comfort.

To nestle into me as a bird folds into its nest,

for your eyes are warmed by my heart.

© Frosina Tasevska, Macedonia




FROSINA TASEVSKA, hailing from Shtip, Republic of Macedonia, is a versatile poet and writer proficient in both English and Macedonian languages. With two solo poetry collections to her credit, Frosina's literary prowess extends across national and international platforms, including magazines, journals, and anthologies. Recognized with numerous awards, she seamlessly weaves her words into compelling narratives. Alongside her literary pursuits, Frosina serves as an educator, bringing her passion for language and creativity to the classroom.


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