Thursday, August 1, 2024



Shattered Dreams


My innocent pleas for acceptance,

Her calculated move, reluctance,

My heart bravely faced,

The long test of endurance,

Ultimately broken to pieces,

Scattered all around on her feet,

Our eyes could hardly meet,

When she left, tears rolled, words kept,

Anyhow tried to gather, lost, bereft,

Dreams shattered, desires unfulfilled,

Piece by piece they were built,

Through years of companionship,

Proved fragile against arrogant whip,

Each piece was part of me,

How much I loved her,

How could she fail to see!


Life Is Poetry

Life is a long poetry,

Written each day through pains and gains,

An endeavor to somehow maintain symmetry,

A mix of reality and imaginations,

With suitable words, style, expressions.


As a spontaneous outburst of emotions,

born out of compassion,

Sage Valmiki, being the first poet, just to mention,

Deeply moved by the painful crying of the female crane,

For her infatuated mate, whose killing was brazen,

Hit unaware by a hunter's arrow,

Unable to bear his separation,

The wailing bird also died in sorrow.

Poetry, thus, became a vehicle of empathy,

Expressing in words love, kindness, sympathy,

Promoting peaceful co-existence,

Equality, liberty, co-operation, assistance,

Aesthetic sense, positive thoughts,

Hate, prejudice not to be bought,

Keeping in mind to do justice,

Telling the truth, without malice.

Let's Start A New Chapter 


Remembered the days,

When we used to go to the beach, 

Watching boats with sail,

Collecting some conch and shell,

Talking our future, 

You used to give airs, I beseech,

Much water since flown,

Far from our reach.


On a recent visit,

At the familiar spots,

Found some empty bottles, cans,

Old memories haunted, tears sans,

Let's sit together for a while,

Away from crowd,

Not much talked about,

Our favourite place,

Secluded, not a regular space,

To think, discuss and convey, 

That would be the best way.



GOPAL SINHA, B.Sc. (Engg.), Civil, retired as an Executive Engineer, Water Resources Department, Government of Bihar, now devotes his time in writing regularly, both in Hindi and English, prose and poetry, much of them have found place in various journals, e-magazines and anthologies, also participates as an anchor and a poet in various such on-line programmes, conducted by different literary platforms, his other interests are drawing, photography and singing old Hindi film songs.

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