Thursday, August 1, 2024



Even On The Days Of Love


After the bitter pain

the truths emerge

they are anchors

and remain silent in the heart

and the creed was born

remained hard rock

so different in life

in the veins

and in the blood.

And then there's him

the sleepless song

shipwrecked in silence

immanent and profound

and with its heavy crosses

he breathes little or nothing

stripped of any doubt

he is always looking for answers

even in the days of love.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.     


Hug Me


Hug me if you can

because the thirst is infinite

and the Light is also eternal

beyond the small voices of the heart

of those who love deeply

to the source of the Spirit.

Hug me again Soul

in the silence of this night

in tears born in the dark

on this precious journey

stripped of all frills

son of Faith and Love.

Hug me always forever

between fire and earth and wind

hug me Divine Soul

infinite water and air

innocent fresh spring

special bread of Life.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.                                                                         


The Words Of My Soul


I stole

the stars for you

and again for you

I have reached the future

until the end of the universe

and even beyond time

in the silence of eternity

where no noise ever reaches.

I cared for you

the roses in your garden

and with strength inside

I passed

the trials of life

while in your hands

I put my verses away

the words of my soul.

In your eyes

I saw the tears

the beauty of your smile

and in your heart

I discovered the seed

of pure love

sweet life beloved

rare love song.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta




FRANCESCO FAVETTA: He was born in Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, true culture, food for the soul! So far, he has written more than 4000 poems, he also writes philosophical reflections and thoughts. In 2018 he was awarded by the Accademia di Sicilia, Academician of Sicily.


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