Thursday, August 1, 2024



The Treasure 3


Is waiting to be unearthed

By anyone who went far and wide

In his or her life journey,

But only a few will find the real one

Due to it being overlooked

By those driven by greed

For whom worldly things

Are their only creed.


Is shining brighter than the sun

And whispers words of wisdom

Despite darkness’ attempts to keep it

Well hidden from the human eye.


Beautiful Peony


You’re bathing in the sunlight

Under the kind look of the goddess,

Who’s perched on the branch of the tree,

Which was planted by the nun


That dedicated this paradise to you.

You both know that it’s forbidden

For a goddess to love a mortal king,

But love is still pushing you


To have secret rendezvous in the glade

Without feeling regret

Or making a sound,

Preferring everything to be discreet.


You never lose hope

That one day your wish will come true.

You’ll be free to live your life together

Without fearing that you’ll wage war on your worlds.


Heavenly Sounds


Are extremely rare,

Only the sensitive souls

Can hear them clearly

For they come from within

The pure-hearted that sing them,

Whether it’s a prayer sent to God

To thank Him for everything He gave them,

Or it’s the Big News we’re all waiting

To hear after witnessing the Lord’s Son

Suffering on the cross from the cruelty of men.


Heavenly sounds our heart makes

When she hears about the Resurrection of Jesus,

Who’s forgiving us despite our bad deeds

And covering us in holy light, cleansing our sins,

Bringing our once dirty soul back

To his pure innocent state from birth.




GEORGIANA-LAURA GHEORGHE - Brăila – România. Born in a country with a wonderful history, customs, traditions and culture, she’s a sensitive soul whom considers writing as a way to express her untold feelings and opinions. She’s a translator, but creative writing is one of the many hobbies she has. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in the English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature – Philology at “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters – Bucharest (Romania) and a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi (Romania). She competed in a few national literary projects such as the online poetic show „În Lumea Copilăriei”, Parfumul Clipei, May 2022 and international literary championships such as the “Dantebus” National Poetry Contest, 4th edition, Italy, 2022 etc. She was awarded the „Certificate for Best Entry” for my photography/poem „The Feline” entered in the ILA Magazine’s „ANYTHING SATURDAY”, Category: VISUAL ART/ POEM COMPOSITION, founder Annette Nasser held on July 9th, 2022, awarded on July 24th, 2022; “Mențiune” at the „Exercițiu de Imaginație” contest, judges: Ana Văcărașu, Ioan Avram organized by the Cenaclul Literar Artistic „Simfonia Cuvintelor”, July 17th, 2022 etc. She published poetry in various national and international literary magazines and anthologies, and launched two bilingual poetry books “What is life?” on September 2019 and “The Chest of Life” on 2021. She’s a member of ARTLIT - Asociația Română a Traducătorilor Literari from February 15th, 2022 and of the World Literature Academy that is under the aegis of the Romanian Cultural Centre in London from October 20th, 2020. Other than creative writing, she likes to listen to music mostly classical, instrumental and soundtracks, travel and navigate on the Internet. 


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