Thursday, August 1, 2024




The Forbidden Island


At times

When The God appears to be too far away


The unfathomable mystery of existence

With its myriad manifestations

Remains beyond my belief

I celebrate my living minutely every moment

With unconditional love and fraternity

And  enormous generosity

Beyond any glimmer and glow.


I await  a promise of life unfolding

Like a patient onlooker

And hope to live  integrated life

Of harmony and reciprocity.


Each of the moments signs with a new promise

That would speak of a new story in every seconds

I  feel as the winning princess of a forbidden Island

Of Peace and tranquility.


The Lost Princess


A strange call it was

With a trembling heart filled in fear

It was a prayer,

'Oh! Mother' my life is at stake ,

Please help me , I am in distress

And that I know you are my only savior' .


The throb in her prayer

Must have quivered someone's heart

The spring must have ceased

awaiting the rain ,

Yet not known,

If anyone who heard these innocent prayers

In this city of violence

Really bothered not letting it in vain.


A  new morning succeeded

To welcome again a rising  sun in the far east horizon

The twilights helped identifying a burning ambulance

Beyond a recognizable state

With a  half charred body inside

While  many others might have been

Left unidentified

In the  esteemed city of ruins .


Unseen dreams of many adolescent girls

Might have been left unnoticed

Under the heaps of the charred colloids


The city of glamour

Now would  turn to a desert

Soaked with the blood and tears of the unmatured motherhood...


Sleep When Slips


Sleep when slips into a sweet oblivion of dreams

And when the  sonorous words

play hide and seek among pages,

A poem initializes

That drenches the mind and soul.

The metaphor inbuilt opens the window

And refreshes the universe as a whole.


The sleeping mind gets ornamented as a poet

And he lives  in every one of the verse

Ideas suck and fed out of  happenings around

When the mind starts singing Like a bird in its hue


The poet murmurs even in a vacuum

Yet is defeated by the noise

Of the syllabic recitations of rhythmic spring.


Dream closes

Poet descents to normal

With a new sun rise

And pens the dreamed verse

To amuse his readers.


Cheers! Oh dear poet !

Hats up to you.


Desires Of An Infinite Soul


Life evolves  under the unlimited sky

Under a cover of  clouds

and other illuminating celestial bodies

And continue evolving

Till the last breath.


Every living being  is no doubt  born free

But every where in chains

Of  primary elements of the universe

With peace,  pleasure and pain.


The soul in it’s  earthly existence

Stays on a short sojourn

After which it returns to its origin

 Leaving some sweet and sour memories

That marks an  intensive impression.


Presences, absences or silence here

Do not imprint 

The  architecture of  any commitments

Or  draw  any pattern in a dilapidated heart

To  crave for drops of rain to console

The madness of my infinite soul!




RAJASHREE MOHAPATRA: Born in Odisha in India has received her master’s degree in ' History ‘and 'Journalism and Mass Communication' from Utkal University, Odisha. She is a teacher by profession. Being a post graduate in ' Environmental Education and Industrial Waste Management ' from Sambalpur University Odisha, she has devoted herself as a Social Activist for the cause of social justice, Environmental issues and human rights in remote areas through non-governmental organisations. Poetry, Painting and Journalism are her passions.

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