Sunday, December 1, 2024




Just Say “Hello!”

To The Old Treasure-House


It is now quiet and lonely. Its walls

whisper tells from other times

when everyone used to run around;

when, on the porch, everyone gathered

for afternoon tea; when the dinner

in the hot summer nights was lightened

by the lanterns of happy fireflies.


The house witnessed the first snowdrops

pooping up courageous noses

in the first aroma of spring. Their bells

used to ring melodies in unison

with the icicles’ songs from the roof;

the humming dance of the bees

and firs birds coming back to the old nests.


The porch whisper family tells

of winter blizzards with blades,

when only the scarry crow used to outstand

and the snowmen used to guard the gates;

the warmth of the shadowy blades in the fireplace,

the kid’s happy laughter in the slays

the crispy air, and the star in the sky

in a magical Christmas night.


The house whisper stories from the time

when the rain put down

the dancing shimmering lives as a worm quilt;

when the harvest was gathered

and evening songs run far away with the breeze;

when children gather bouquets

of golden sunflower heads;

when the grapes turned into wine.


All now, are memories intertwined

with the waving staircase inside. Some lay on the shelves;

others stay quietly behind the dusty curtains,

waiting to come out. There are treasures

hidden in the attic’s chests such as many

enigmatic maps of lives. They sleep deep under the dust.

Can you just open the front door

and just say: “Hello!” to the Old Treasure-House?

®© Copyright All Rights Reserved to the Author

Written 08-29-2024


Human Gattaka Line


As an anthropologist, I can say:

we all derived from the same human DNA.

No matter how we look outside,

we all have double helix, a GATTAKA chain

with different combinations.

Have you seen the scheme of the hair variations;

the charts of highs or the colors of humans’ eyes?

They all range. Some features might be changed

in this time of our modern global civilization.


But the eyes?! Even if we change them,

they will still remain the mirrors of the soul.

The most enigmatic moments are

when humans smile with eyes.

They sparkle, they shine.

You can see in them the reflections of the sky,

the clouds, the Sun and the Moon, the stars.

Their colors can change with the mood.

They change when you are in love.

If the eyes cry, the tears have color (proven truth).


The real global heritage are not the stones

in different monumental arrangements,

not even the cave art or fascinating art of gold,

not even the space stations.

Their fashions come and go, buried in time,

but the gift given by your dad and mom

is the most significant one, tracing the time,

tracing your human GATTAKA line.]


P.S. GTTAKA is the sequence combinations in the human genome

®© Copyright All Rights Reserved to the Author


Planet Parade


August of 2024. Hot-summer time,

a rare sight in Earth's sky.

Six spectacular planets aliened

in a short cosmic event.


They all dance on the same side of the Sun

at different galactic speeds.

They grace our sky in hours of golden predawn

and open the gate of dreams.

They gather together and open the gate

to another spiritual highway.

They clean the karmic debt and

lighten the mirror of self-reflection.


In exact order: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter,

Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, they will boost

the motivation for new creations.

The smiling crescent moon helps in this adventure.

®© Copyright All Rights Reserved to the Author

Written 08-29-2024




Miss PETROUCHKA ALEXIEVA: “You must face life obstacles with strength and dedication, but healthy dosage of humor is the best weapon to survive” (P. Alexieva). Miss Alexieva is known as a well-developed LOVE poet, an academic writer and mentor, publisher and a guest-lecturer, key note speaker, TV talent and a highly recognized scholar. She was first published at age of 16 in the national poetry magazine “Rodna Rech”, Bulgaria. She is a Cum Laude graduate at CSULA (2009) and “All American Scholar Award“recipient (2008). She is a life-time member of four distinguished scholar societies. Ms. Alexieva’s poems appeared every Wednesday on” Daheli Live!”  TV show. Ms. Alexieva speaks 8+ languages. Her literary, scholarly and photo-documentaries were highlighted in anthologies, feminist magazines, newspapers, opening ceremonies and numerous open mics in USA, Australia, Hungary, Romania, Transylvania, Bulgaria. Her lectures and poetry writings include, but not limited to ethnic cultures, ethnomusicology, and Japanese Tanka, as well. Most of them relates to women in traditional perspective, gender identity and contemporary feminism. She worked tirelessly with gifted and talented children – in ICAF, NASA, Visa Olympics, Summer Olympics 2000, and more. For her outstanding life-long honorary achievements, her name was included 3 times among the most distinguished Earth’s citizens list of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (2003) capsule, Science Laboratory Rover (2011). Her poem “My Gypsy Soul “ is included in “Message on the Bottle” NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft.


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