Sunday, December 1, 2024






Entering through the gate to memory lane,

The snowflakes are gracefully dancing

As the cool breeze is caressing my face.

It’s the Snow Queen’s way to greet me

Before offering to be my knowledgeable guide.

Through the first window she opened to me,

I could see me at my innocent cheery age,

Making the snowman that will become a permanent resident

In Her Majesty’s Winter Wonderland.

Through the second window she opened to me,

I watched two little rascals taking advantage of Mother

Being busy preparing the Christmas Feast

And taking a gingerbread man from the nearest plate,

Which I share it with my partner in crime, my brother

In the pillow fort that we built in our room.

Through the third window she opened to me,

I see a kind man playing with his two little lambs

In her realm without caring about her cold breath,

Nor the thick blanket of glittering snow covering the bare earth

To keep it warm during her three month reign.

It’s a funny memory that keeps on flooding back

In my father’s mind every year during wintertime.

Through the fourth window she opened to me,

I feel the excitement of the two children

Decorating the Christmas tree together with their parents,

While the Christmas carols are echoing throughout the house.

“Will Old Saint Nick fulfill their dearest wishes this year?”

Despite feeling nostalgia in the present time,

I still can’t wait for that time of the year.

Through the fifth window she opened to me,

I saw myself in my teenage years making a snow horse,

Hoping that it will take me to the winter’s ball on time.

As I sadly stepped back into the real world,

The Snow Queen reminded me that although those days are gone,

It is up to me to listen to my inner child

And find happiness in the season of ice and snow.


The Snow Fairy


Two men discuss their plan in a forest

Without knowing that it had ears,

Catching the attention of a little magical creature

That was covering the closest fir tree

In the warm blanket of snow.

She suddenly stops what she was doing

And silently lands on a branch.

At first, she thought their intention was bad,

But the more she listened, the more she realized

How wrong she was to judge them.

They later left without realizing

That someone eavesdropped on their conversation.

The snow fairy thought hard and an idea popped into her little head.

What if she helps Santa’s helpers

To better understand the real meaning of Christmas?

Opening her glass butterfly wings,

She quickly flew back to her peers

To tell them the news and about her plan.


Christmas Has Come


Through the birth of the Holy Child,

The Holy Father’s only son that He sent

To guide the lost souls on the right path.

Let’s rejoice by joining the angels

In their joyful song about this wonderful news!

Reminding us to be warm-hearted and generous

Towards our parents, brothers and sisters.

Lighting the inner lamp that dispels the darkness

From our body, mind and soul, allowing us

To feel, think and see things clearly.

Adding a touch of magic into our hectic lives,

Helping grown-ups feel like children again.

Bringing us together once again, giving us a ray of hope

In the future that depends on our choices and actions.




GEORGIANA-LAURA GHEORGHE - Brăila – România. Born in a country with a wonderful history, customs, traditions and culture, she’s a sensitive soul whom considers writing as a way to express her untold feelings and opinions. She’s a translator, but creative writing is one of the many hobbies she has. She has a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi (Romania) and a Bachelor’s Degree in the English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature – Philology at “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters – Bucharest (Romania). She competed in a few national literary projects such as the online poetic show „În Lumea Copilăriei”, Parfumul Clipei, May 2022 and international literary championships such as the fourth edition of the “Nicolae Dabija – Crucified Silence” International Poetry, Prose and Graphics Festival under the aegis of the Romanian Academy and the Apollon Cultural Society of Romania between May 1st and June 15th, 2024 etc. She won the European Writers Publishing House Special Prize during the “World Poetry Olympiad” International Literature Festival organized by Trandafir Sîmpetru, the World Poets Association and the European Writers Publishing House held in Sinaia, Romania on April 20th, 2024 etc. She published poetry in various national and international literary magazines and anthologies, and launched three bilingual poetry books: “Philosophical Poems” on December 23rd, 2022, “The Chest of Life” on 2021 which is the second edition of “What is life?” that was published on September 2019. She’s a member of ARTLIT - Asociația Română a Traducătorilor Literari from February 15th, 2022 and of the World Literature Academy that is under the aegis of the Romanian Cultural Centre in London from October 20th, 2020. Other than creative writing, she likes to listen to music mostly classical, instrumental and soundtracks, travel and navigate on the Internet. 


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