Saturday, September 1, 2018




Do not allow the quietness
that saturates the halls of night
break through the dawn.

For it will shatter all perception
of time and space, grabbing
reality by the throat.

Then where will the sense
of priorities lie, except among
the fallow ruins of an ancient past,

defying the depth of disregarded
wisdoms, challenging all known facts,
until there is no truth left.

Adhere to the movement of slow
creeping convention, while the
lamented longings are just out of reach.
For the quiet is rooted deep within.


Bone chilling, cold shoulder,
he says his good-byes and

spreads his wings. Freedom
his only desire. Crumbling dreams

in his hands, like so many dried
winter leaves. With an audible

sigh, he disperses them to
the universe. By all that is holy,

I cannot breathe. He has crushed
the very life from out of me. Fingers

touch, hearts do not. Farewells
are always hard. A little death

each new day, without him by
my side. Physically, he is still

here, but his heart is miles away.
I cannot bring him back to life, if

he does not want to stay. Bone
chilling, cold shoulder is his finale.


Maybe poems are just vain attempts
of lost souls trying to find their way
through the mire of life. Grasping
at fleeting beauty, and delving into

dark psyches. Finding release in
their personal expression. A way for
the writer to purge their torments,
and empty themselves of their sins.

Using rhyme and metaphor to heal
the wounds of time, while trying to
sooth bruised egos. Maybe poems
are just vain attempts at immortality.

The diagnosis is still incomplete.


ANN CHRISTINE TABAKA has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize in Poetry, has been internationally published, and won poetry awards from numerous publications. She lives in Delaware, USA.  She loves gardening and cooking.  Chris lives with her husband and three cats. Her most recent credits are: Pomona Valley Review; Ariel Chart, Page & Spine, West Texas Literary Review, Oddball Magazine, The Paragon Journal, The Stray Branch, Trigger Fish Critical Review, Foliate Oak Review, Better Than Starbucks!, Anapest Journal, Mused, Apricity Magazine, The Write Launch, The Stray Branch, Scryptic Magazine, Ann Arbor Review, The McKinley Review.

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