Tuesday, January 1, 2019




The old year is gone
And the Baby New Year
Broke through
In cries of life
The old taking with it
More than we cared to lose
Illness, greedy bedfellow,
Took a tortuous path
And although hope lingered
You were grasping the threads
Of life for yet, another day
But  the good fight was lost
And you left to join the others
While our hearts were heavy
Laden with sorrow
A new baby arrived
Breathing new life
Into the circle of family
We cherished so much
Laughter and joy
The old year has left
I shall not look back
But in fond thoughts of love
Letting go of all else
The New Year
Is a baby
Bringing new life
Into the old ways
Another day
Another path
Another love
And endless possibilities
For new dreams
And always new hope
For peace within us,
Amongst us
And in the World
© Juanita Garcia Vera
All Rights Reserved JGV


It ’was the night
Before Christmas
And all through the crowd
People were shoving, pushing
And running about
In mad dash, were stressing
To get the last tokens
T’was quiet an ordeal
And all words were spoken
They all had intended
To get all the deals
But this night was different
Just getting their fills
All running and pushing
All others aside
To get the last gift
That was well within sight
"Silent Night” was playing
Overhead as they scurried
Not one of them singing
The peaceful refrain
All were still pushing
And moving around
Ah, if Santa could see them
He’d have such a jolly
To see all the mischief
And all undue folly
And all for some trinket
That would soon be discarded
Non thinking of Christmas,
Of Christmas, at all
Just thinking about buying
And the cost of it all
And while I was looking
At all that surrounded
I saw brightest star
In the sky up above
I prayed and I wished
If my wish be fulfilled
I would wish only one
Merry Christmas to all
And to all peaceful night
© Juanita Garcia Vera
All Rights Reserved JGV 2016


Life is an explanation mark (!)
A beautiful journey!
With much anticipation
Life is a beginning
Of all stories,
And completion of milestones
It is Love, sadness, grief
Life and death
Ups and downs
Emotions  topsy  turvy
A great expectation!
A dream imagined!
A task to complete.
It is a question mark (?)
When searching
For truth, love and purpose
Questions  not  answered  ?
Mysteries unsolved ?
It is a comma with descriptive
Flows of color and time
It is full of Scents and sense
It is a party
With music and dance
Saving the last dance
For your best beau
It is the bluest clearest day
On the sunniest shore
It is a black tie affair.
The absolute end!
Then it is a period(.)
Because it’s the End!
Without answers, questions
Or mysteries solved
It’s the road that I traveled
Alone in the walk
Sometimes on the edge
Of the tallest of peaks
Sometimes on the bottom
While reaching within
Sometimes that I floated
On love and sweet dreams
But at the beginning
And at last at the end
And endless expression
Of things that I leave
© Juanita Garcia Vera
AllRightsReserved JGV 2018

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