Wednesday, May 1, 2019




Darkness dawned the sky,
Starry night,
A romantic wonderland,
Twinkling stars,
Lying on the dark blanket,
Reflecting the eternity of souls;
The night is awake,
So too my chilled thoughts,
Shivering in the foggy mind,
The mind set off in want of warmth,
Closer towards the bonfire of self,
To explore the wonders in darkness,
And greet the dawn with a sweet smile.
Brightness dawned the sky,
The sun of life never ceases,
To drizzle its rays of joys and woes,
And the language of expression is the
same silence.


In search of happiness,
We let slip to feel serenity,
In chase of dreams,
We let slip to live life in reality,
The joys, we think to be the triumph,
Takes us oft close to the embarrassing
Befalling to lose track of the best!

The craziest,
Never want revelry to end,
They turn to be the most miserable,
Seeking for another gala to begin;
This overwhelming desire if uncontrollable,
Turns out to be an addiction,
Strenuous to repress…
The greatest tragedy of life!


The seed of life,
Sprouts the birth of a bud,
And the bud blooms into a
flower of color,
Alas, unforeseen, it fades in
untimely death.
Come what may,
The greatest wonder of creation,
Is the eternity of the seed.

The sky of mind,
Dazzled in brightness,
The thoughts flew,
As those chirping birds,
Leaves of emotions fluttered,
To the feelings of zephyr,
This sublime blend of nature
and self,
Buoys up the beauty of creation.

All rights reserved 2019


Dr.UJJWALA KAKARLA is by occupation a Professor of English, by practice a Poet and Writer, poetic reviewer, by ideology a spiritual activist, by choice a passionate researcher. She authored four books - three anthologies of Poetry viz., Lyrical Whispers of Self, Musical Marvels of Self and Manifold Visions of Self.  Her book of research includes a comparative study of Indian and Western Aesthetics in Sri Aurobindo’s Criticism. Her book Heart to Pen is an anthology of anecdotes and parables published by Partridge Publishing House, USA, a partner of Penguin Random House. She has been one of the authors for the Oops, a book of short stories. Her current book Functional English for Communication is a text written in alliance to AICTE refined curriculum published by Sage Publishing House. She has published numerous research papers widely in refereed research journals of national and international repute. She authored a few of her articles for Infinithoughts, a holistic magazine. Her poems have been published in Tuck Magazine, Socially conscious journal, UK, Daath Voyage, Gnosis, Literary Herald, UGC approved International Journals. She is a recipient of “Global Teacher Award” conferred by Alert Knowledge Services.

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