Monday, January 1, 2018




Let the sky weep!
Let the clouds blacken
and burst in a deluge
of torrential tears:
Weep for the death of children
and the loss of innocence.
Cry for the ruination of trust
and the deception of friends.
Weep for the martyrdom of compassion
and the impossibility of peace.
Cry for the betrayal of hope
and the mindless futility of faith.
Weep for the darkness of the soul
and the obliteration of the heart.
Cry for the failure of humanity
and the final destruction of love.
Let the sky weep!
Let the clouds blacken
and burst in a deluge
of torrential tears:
And weep, oh you people!
Cry, wail, tear out your hair
and weep until your hearts break!


The dusty antique doll sits
in silent patience atop the
mantle with eyes glazed to
a dull cataract gray, while
the shapeless gingham dress
and the once-blonde ringlets
of artificial hair droop with
seeming exhaustion from the
unspoken secret that hovers
in the stale air of this den
of black, unimaginable tragedy.
For she had a name once, as
did her tiny owner; gone too
soon, then buried away like a
family shame and placed with
solemn dignity atop the brick
perch to be spoken of no longer,
yet left to hang in the thick air
and float about until the hard
truth settled on the doll like
the dust that covers her with
a shroud of screaming silence.


I asked the river
to stop its flowing -
To put an end at last
to the maddening rush.
I shouted into the wind
to cease its blowing -
To quiet the whistling
and the angry roar.
I begged the sun
to fade into darkness -
To let the eternal night
swallow its fiery rays.
For my heart is old
and my soul is dry.
My mind is craving
a cool, black silence
that can only be granted
by an empathetic earth.


KENNETH NORMAN COOK is an American, born in the United States and raised in California in the 1960s. (English is his native language.) It was there in Southern California, in grade school that he began to fall in love with words, through a sixth grade English assignment to write a poem about Halloween. His entry was selected to be published in the school newsletter and that started him on a lifetime sojourn through the creative world known as poetry. After living away for many years, Kenneth is back in California, where he continues to write daily. He is a regular contributor to several magazines, including Wildfire Publications Monthly Magazine, where he is a co-contributor for a section on tips for writers. He has been featured in numerous poetry anthologies and has released a newly revised edition of his poetry collection, Shadow Walk With Me. He is also the author of a second book, This Side of Nothing, a third: a collection of haiku and senryu poetry, titled Theater of the Absurd, and a fourth: From Dark Corners and Dusty attics, which is a combination of older poems, both previously published, as well as published for the first time. Here is a writer with over one thousand poems in his writing arsenal. Be prepared for a literary roller-coaster of emotions, imagery and intense imagination, for this is the poetry of Kenneth Norman Cook.

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