Thursday, November 1, 2018




Look for me
in the bored afternoons,
when the rain floods me,
when I do not think of you, surprise me
in the silent passage of time,
alternating arrival destinations and borders,
inside the dark mint tea cup,
in the evening's steaming chocolate,
in the sidereal spaces,
in the cold of empty thoughts,
in the lack of vowels.
Give me nib-tip emotions
shouting loudly the consonants of a bolero,
listen to me, take me
on the beautiful fairytale
that yesterday
gave you illusions, which today gives me illusions ...
And the poet forgives.
©bruna cicala/ recorded


nei pomeriggi annoiati,
quando la pioggia mi inonda,
quando non ti penso, sorprendimi
nel silenzioso trascorrere,
alternando mete e confini,
dentro la tazza di te scuro alla menta,
nel cioccolato fumante della sera,
negli spazi siderali,
nel freddo dei pensieri vuoti,
nella mancanza di vocali.
Emozionami in punta di pennino
calcando sulle consonanti di un bolero,
ascoltami, prendimi
sulla favola bella
che ieri
t'illuse, che oggi m'illude...
E il poeta perdoni.
©bruna cicala/ recorded


These shadows are low,
closed in yourself
you scan the leaves scattered along the avenue
to find treasures.
The essences have already flown towards the eastern skies
and the leaves are tired, as if they were drunk
they are lost in the wind
they rot inert
in the water that stagnates.
When it's evening
autumn declares itself
without leaving an escape
in bright orange and red colors,
entrust the memories to the mocking moon.
When it's evening, fear looms,
hides the artificial sun on the ceiling.
And the shadow invades and is silent.
©bruna cicala/ recorded

Quando si fa sera

Son basse queste ombre,
chiuse su se stesse
scrutano le foglie sparse lungo il viale
a ricercar tesori.
S'illudono d'oriente le essenze già volate
si prostrano un po' stanche, come ubriacate
si perdono nel vento
sottili e accartocciate,
marciscono inerti
nell'acqua che ristagna.
Quando si fa sera
l'autunno si dichiara
senza lasciare scampo,
sbugiarda i toni accesi di aranci e rossi vivi,
s'imbeve di ricordi
artigliandoli alla luna beffarda nel suo gelo.
Quando si fa sera, incombe la paura
di chi non vede il sole nemmeno sul soffitto.
E l'ombra invade e tace.
©bruna cicala/ recorded


You are the rock in my tides,
that infinite verb that makes himself soul
in the warmth that, in the soft light ,wraps
a sun which is going down.
You are the arcane and the secret revealed,
a limbo and a flap,
an excerpt to which hold on.
And everything goes back in its place
in a world that is upside down.
@Cicala Bruna / recorded



Tu sei la roccia nelle mie maree,
quel verbo infinito che si fa anima
nel tepore che avvolge
alla luce soffusa
di un sole che scende.
Sei arcano e segreto svelato,
un limbo ed un lembo,
uno stralcio al quale aggrapparsi.
E tutto torna al suo posto
in un mondo che è rovesciato.
©bruna cicala/ recorded


BRUNA CICALA: Born in Genoa (Italy), from her city she took the frank, a little closed and a few words. From passionate reader to writer it was necessary a long step over thirty years and the path is fraught with difficulty, because she would like that every word would tell its soul, but no one corresponds to the emptiness that every word dropped on the sheet leaves them. He published two poetry collections, Between ancient lava dunes - 2015 Edition I rumori dell'anima - and Among brambles and precious stones - 2017 - Editions I rumori dell'anima-. He has participated in numerous literary competitions, always classifying himself among winners and honorable mentions.

1 comment :

  1. I thank you for the kindness and the honor of appearing in the beautiful archives of this magazine. In the name of the poetry of the whole world, all my affection for the writers and for the readers.
