always on a thursday
something about it,
blows own eyes away
a caged bird
but the door pleases out,
the swiftness of other hands…
backdoor histories
rocking alive,
full blast transparency
summation of memories
keeping two words,
needles prick
the love protagonist,
faith bleeds
the written recollection
of your deepest voice
parchments of passions
tied to the salt of time
sacred longings
pulsing my veins
as refugee of love!
the echoes of the mezuzah’s
prayers are heard
deep within the beating cave
of my heart,
yet bounded to
the shadows of the nights
forging a spear of light
when i seize both
your hands
to submerge in a
ritual bath…
return all dreams
to mother earth
call back the birds
to their sacred dwelling
let the magic emerge from
each flower that blooms into the
so life can sing to the morning
as the sun arises to kiss
the soil that sprouts sustenance
and mirrors itself over the ocean
let the animals dwell the land
unharmed by our arrows
in soul harmony
for we are one with all creation
heirs of its wisdom and glory
all eternal mysteries
while love
spin vigorously
giving birth to
inner beauty!
LUZ MARÍA LÓPEZ (Puerto Rico). Poet, narrator, editor, translator,
activist, cultural promoter. Her poetry has been translated to twenty languages
and published in literary journals, books of selected authors and numerous
international multilingual anthologies. She also contributes essays and
academic articles about psycho-social aspects of gender which have been widely
circulated in blogs and magazines. Participant in Literary Congress in various
countries. Kathak Literary Award 2017. Academic President for the International
Book Fair in Puerto Rico (FILEMH). World Festival of Poetry (WFP) –
International coordinator and Director for America.
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