Sunday, November 1, 2020





Mirage Of Your Own!


Afraid of snakes

Moving around


Afraid of shadows

At your doorstep


Afraid of sandman

Hanging on gril


Afraid of light

Ready to amaze


Reading in books

Crawling in dreams


Murmur of past


Whisper of eras


We are allowed

In only a mirage


Whether it's yours

Or of my life!




Whisper Of Dreams


Dream is similar to the wakefulness

Sound sleep balms our tired nerves


REM denotes to Rapid Eye Moments

Sleep problems causes disruptions


When we dream, our brains are

filled with noisy electrical activities


that looks nearly identical

To that of the awake brain.


Brains produce electrical signals

The unique information it carries



So rub all the hatred and anger

delete all the negative thoughts


Before you go to sweet sleep

good night, have great dreams





As Free As A 🐦 Bird!


When I touch the water

It reaches out to the shore


To kiss the sole of my feet

And reminds me of your lips

And tongue running wildly

The genuine feeling of love


We are here

Where are you going

You are here

And I am here

And here and here

I'm upon you and inside you


There's nowhere to run

And it's neverwhere

I have always been

A runaway bride

It's me who always slip away

and you can not catch!



You are hundred percent free

As free as a bird

What makes you come around

Why you still follow me

Everywhere I am found


We are here in freedom

Flying like birds

On our dream skies

Fallen angels from heaven

United by love and destiny!





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