Thursday, August 1, 2024





She arrives

comes in

slams the door furiously

and throws the keys away

to keep her far

I beseech aid to Reason

that smiles at me

like a mom does

when a baby poses a weird question

so I turn to Patience

that straightaway tells me

wait wait

but she's been there a long time I say

even when I feel like sleeping

as an owl she begins to hoot and

in the morning when silently

I open the door to leave her inside

she follows me like a shadow

but what can I do to get rid of her

wait and hope

don't you see how long and white my hair is

ask  your Sub-conscious

she then softly whispers to me

after a long walk

I meet this myself

hidden and unknown and I also ask him

to free me of the enemy

that with bravado and arrogance

stays in my mind

occupies my thoughts

with a lit torch

the Unconscious shows me infinite paths

dark and intertwined with each other

one life would not be enough

she tells me to enlighten them all


Then I go back

and the banality of everyday life

wraps me again like an airwave

hot and stuffy

while assails me the nostalgia for infinity

for the immense meadows

where free blow the winds

@ Maria Miraglia



The Celestial Body


How much made 
the bright lady 
people dream and
how many fall in love
making them hover
as majestic birds


Their hearts full 
of tender feelings
dazzled by her white beams
disclosed in her light
the men's hearts 
as roses in may


The lovers' eyes dampened 
tell of their burning passions
their lips whisper promises 
to keep preciously engraved 
to listen to them, then 
again and again



once faded the darkness 
and dawn slowly rising
to spread the light
over the still-sleeping towns 
you can soon realize
the moon nothing else than
a celestial body in the void space

Dark its surface
its mantle a crust 
its inner core of solid iron

there from billion years
surrounded by flickering maids
unsuspected deceiving men
from anywhere and of all Ages

@ Maria Miraglia


Life And Death


I crossed the time

among mists cold winters

and sun-drenched mornings

observed the blue skies

where stars smiled at each other

from afar

saw flocks of birds arrive

from distant lands

and go when  leaves

began falling down

admired red sunsets

and pearly sunrises

quickly following each other

and get lost

in the night of the time


new lives have crowded

the streets of the world

like multicoloured flowers

blooming in spring

and many lose their vital energy

like glowing candles

oblivious to their consumption

in the very act of their burning


how many more seasons will come

of how many of them

will I still admire the colours

and smell the scent

until the Angel of Death comes

and snatches me from life

it's for a long time

his journey began

since my first cry

in the welcoming arms

of my mother


will his step be slow

or fast will he ride his black steed 

@ Maria Miraglia



Dr MARIA A MIRAGLIA is an Italian educationist, bilingual poet, translator, essayist, and ministerial lecturer. She has long been an active member of Amnesty International and several other peace organizations. She is the Literary Director of the P. Neruda Association and a member of several international editorial boards. The poet has received national and international recognition and awards and was elected a member of the European Academy of Science and Arts of Salzburg. Her latest work, " Echi nell'Aria", edited by CTL- Livorno.


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