Thursday, August 1, 2024



May We Rise


just one word

to convey

a host of intentions

and feelings lying latent


May I love more

May I forgive those

who has hurt me most

May all wars cease

May there be no hungry mouths

May all biases be removed

May I leave this planet

as a better person

without any regrets

just thirty-one days

and so much

to be accomplished

©️Snigdha Agrawal

11th May 2024


The Humble Cloth


You been there

through the ages

of multifarious usage

never did face

any stiff competition

nor needed fancy

brand names

to boost your sales

packaged in

different colours

different shades

different sizes

different lengths


Your presence

always needed

for sacred moments

for morning ablutions

for wiping sweaty faces

for wiping wet bottoms

for cushioning

into a pillow

whenever needed

worn on the head

both by males, females

to protect from the sun

to dry long tresses

to hang around the neck

to tie around the waist


You've found your way

in all places

in the Moira's shop

hanging with the weight

of milk curdled

during pujas

at weddings

during pind daan

from birth to death

you've been with us

the red and white checked

humble gamcha

much used

much loved

©️Snigdha Agrawal

11th May, 2024


*Moira – sweetmeat shop

*pind daan – Hindu ritual performed to pay homage to the departed

*gamcha – thin towel









Tall Promises


Pregnant with promises

sun rushes up the horizon

anxious to give birth

to a new day

slipping out

with placenta unbroken

into the hands of

morning awakened

severing from

umbilical cord


to the night’s

folded blanket


Shrill call of the Koel

renting the air,

reminds it’s spring

end of winter’s quietude

beginning of hope


Swaying hush of foliage

stirs a cool breeze

from nature’s chiller tray

drenches minds with happiness

arrives ‘Poila Baishakh’

with fanfare

Inbox, Facebook,


jammed with Seasons Greetings

needing attention


Tangled in the comforter

half asleep,

reluctant to wake up

drugged on petrichor

ringing of the phone

pierces the subconscious

must be to wish

"Shubho Nabobarsho”

Instead, voice

at the other end

says “Sorry to share

news of his death”


Melodies of Spring

comes to a screeching halt

like a broken pin

stuck on a gramophone record

voices in the head hum

"April that's so unlike you

Can't you rewind,

take back that call?"

©️Snigdha Agrawal

11th May, 2024


*Poila Baishakh – First day of the Bengali New Year

*Shubho Nababorsho – Happy New Year




SNIGDHA AGRAWAL (nee Banerjee) is Bengali born, raised, and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to the Eastern and Western cultures, imbibing the best of both worlds.  With more than two decades of experience working in the corporate sector, her outlook on life is balanced, as reflected in her writings. A versatile writer, she writes all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues, and hotel/restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor, under the pen name ‘puchka’.  A published author of four books, the latest titled MIX, is a book of short stories for all mindsets. The book is available on Amazon. An intrepid traveller, her travel diaries can be accessed in her blog: randomramblings52.  She lives in Bangalore (Karnataka), India.


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