The Road To The Heart
The road to the
heart is somehow the toughest,
It faintly opens
the door for love,
Even a trifle
would make it delicate,
Being considered
There are always
some unpronounced words,
The hidden enigma,
When the blood
ruffles through the body,
And the
hot-tempered word relentlessly hits everywhere.
The road to the
heart is somehow different
The breath often
stops here,
The look itself
is more notable,
And the effort
is harder to hide the fear.
Time is always
It does not
leave the space for a thought and breath,
It pressures
like a burden,
And the tears
are replaced by a spate of rain…
The road to the
heart is somehow the toughest,
Uncertainty is
ever present and swirls through questions,
Sometimes the
fragile soul gets the chills from the unknown,
While waiting
for the new promising dawns…
When that road
is conquered,
The numb message
is sent just because,
Calmness finds
its place in the heart
And wandering no
longer exists…
You Love Me In Your Own Way
You love me in
your own way,
Without a backup
and conditioning,
Every moment you
show me how much I mean to you,
It is called
love, a spectrum of colored feelings...
You love me
Without egoism
and vanity,
Our luck has no
face, nor resemblance,
We love each
other the same during the days of distress.
You love me the
way I am,
illusions or comparisons,
This is why our
life is miraculous and simple.
Each and every
touch is like a promise,
a trace of
You love me when
I am about to get ill,
And when the
unpleasantness is knocking on the door.
Our love is like
a protest
There’s no
future without it...
You love me in
your own way,
And the emotions
are reciprocated.
Every gesture of
yours says how much you value me,
Every wink is
colored with lust and wish...
Your love makes
me a happy woman...
You Make Me Feel Special
You make me feel
I feel less
scared when I am with you,
You make me
happy with the littlest things,
It is like I
exist because of you.
You make me
I find the
harbor in your eyes,
sometimes I feel
more significant,
while I feel
your hand in mine.
You are someone
who means a lot to me,
Someone who
knows how to calm
the restlessness
of the soul with a hug,
there is
something that attracts me to you
like a flower
that attracts butterflies.
A gentle look is
enough to me,
Silent whisper
is like music close to the ear,
this is when my
life resembles a dream,
While the
stardust keeps our secrets...
You make me feel
Each and every
touch of yours is full of bliss,
You are watching
over my dream,
Of this...I am
I became like
this because of you
The love is
I touched your
soul with mine,
And it shows my
emotions with rhyme...
You make me feel
I stopped
counting the days,
The littlest
things make me happy,
I exist because
of you.
teaching teacher. For her, writing is a hobby. She has published poems and
stories for children and adults in 35. books: in Serbian, Serbo- Romanian,
Serbian-Russian, Serbian-English. She has received numerous awards in
international competitions, many poems are present in national and foreign
anthologies, collections and magazines.
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