Thursday, February 1, 2024



Innocence Compiled


In the garden of youth, innocence blooms,

Childhood's sweet melody, life resumes.

A canvas of dreams, painted in delight,

And joy, play and fun.


Tiny footsteps dance in the morning dew,

Laughter echoes, everywhere.

Don't be surprised or wonder why,

In the heart of a child, everything's right.


Whispers of joy in a world so divine,

A playground of magic, where the beautiful memories are.

Simple treasures cherished, pure and clear,

Childhood's embrace, a world of beauty and purity.


Through games and tales

Each day unfolds, a treasure to explore.

Oh, the beautiful meaning of days unfolds,

In childhood's embrace, innocence compiled.


A Universal Right


In the cradle of dawn, childhood's tender grace,

A sacred space, a realm untouched by time.

A haven for the child, safe and free,

We must all protect and care for him.


Rights like life

To live, to learn, to dream with ease.

Protected from harm, both heart and mind, or even the body.


Let laws be the shield, a fortress strong,

Against everyone who tries to attack childhood.

No place for fear, in a child's heart,

If every individual in society gave him his right.


Education's beacon, a guiding star,

Illuminating paths, not difficult to get.

A legacy of wisdom, a future's birthright,

Igniting minds, dispelling ignorance and poverty.


No cruel hand should mar their innocence,

Nor haunt their dreams with violence.

In the tapestry of rights, each thread sublime,

Childhood cherished, a universal right.


Childhood's Magic


Family and brothers, love's endless grace,

Laughter echoed in the halls of yore.

Memories painted, a treasure invaluable,

In the beautiful era, the time of unforgettable childhood.


Through the lens of nostalgia, I yearn,

For days when innocence surrounded us.

Siblings by my side, a bond so true,

It still embraces my soul until today.


Oh, the joy in the moments we knew,

In the family's arms, a haven to hold.

Summer's warmth, winter's gentle cold,

Grown-up now, those days a distant hue.


I miss the whispers of shared delight,

It's still in my heart, they forever renew.

The echoes of home، childhood's magic,

In the symphony of memory, forever strong.



TAGHRID BOU MERHI: She is a Lebanese poetess, writer, journalist and translator living in Brazil. She is a multilingual poet (five languages), writer and translator. She has authored 17 books and translated 22 books to date. She is an active member of various literary and creative platforms and editor of Al-Arabe Today, Rainbow, Literária Agharid, Al-Nil Walfurat, Literária, Allaylak, Al-Kalam and Awtar Magazine. She is advisor to the International Union of Arab Intellectuals, in the Media Authority for Translation Affairs and advisor to the countries Al-Sham literary platform for literary translation. She is an advisory member among ten internacional poetry consultants chosen by Chinese media giant CCTV. She is ambassador of the team “International Cultural Salon Association”and ambassador of Brazil in the American P.L.O.T.S. Magazin and ambassador of Lebanon in the Association of the World Union of Writers and Artists UMEA Portugal. Her writings are part of several national and international magazines, newspapers, journals and anthologies. She has won many awards for her write-ups. She is working as an Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers.

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