Monday, July 1, 2019




Rather a revelation to me early this balmy summer morn
Though I have never owned a dog
Many have possessed me
The moment one of these creatures gazes into my fascinated eyes
I am enchanted beyond repair

How can anything be purer than the adoration and love that perennially swims in a canine's eyes ?
They speak libraries of words in one glance
The head cocked to one side
The worshipping spilling at the seams
How often have I stopped my purposeful stride on various paths to look at their bushy tails wagging unabashedly
The playful pounce on your chest that could well knock one over
The endless thrill of being alive

Salivating ,panting ancient blind dogs
Dainty permed coiffured little fashionistas
Shaggy unkempt jovial old fellows
Hoppity skippity frisky young chaps
Poodles, chihuahuas, pocket sized versions
Great Danes, German shepherds , Huskies and Labradors
A bull dog pirate or a doting spaniel
Thank the Lord for creating you all
Copyright Lily Swarn 13.6.2017


Dawn wore a smoky grey veil today
Tied and dyed with a grimy white
Meghdoot clouds hastened with messages
Secret ditties for love lorn maidens
Cawing crows dived through wind waves
Laughing to find food for the day
The sky seemed benevolent and genial
Sodden with damp smiles of glee
It’s the first showers of bliss
Knocking politely on yearning hearts
The Kohl would bleed in her eyes
As the first tear drop formed a rainbow
Copyright Lily Swarn 12.6.2019

(A plea for peace )

They call it senseless killing
Blaring from television screens
In stentorian voices smug with attitude
They debate in conference rooms and file  reports of inquiries
Holier than thou expressions lurking behind flared nostrils and superior tones
Handloom sarees befitting their stature in the scheme of things
Caps proclaiming affiliations
Cursing the violent world

She hides behind the rubble of the wall that fenced in her pastoral paradise
A shy bride with a glistening nose stud
Sparkling diamond eyes rimmed with smoky home made 'Surma'
green glass bangles clutching her wrists protectively
as the staccato sound of the guns pounding across the border
rips apart her dreams
The fields nestling under the sprawling banyan trees
Blood splattered
The vermillion on her shy forehead awry and haywire
No one knew her life was disintegrating each day
for she was one of those
whose homes were
In the line of fire
Copyright Lily Swarn 11.6.2017
Surma –antimony


LILY SWARN:  A multilingual poet, author and columnist is a gold medallist and University colour holder. Her poetry collection , A Trellis Of Ecstasy ,has been lauded in the media by Chief minister of Punjab , by India Today and by the Journal of Commonwealth Literature, London as a “ veritable delight “.Her novel The Gypsy Trail was launched by the Governor of Punjab. Lilies of the Valley is her highly appreciated book of essays .She won the Reuel International Prize for Poetry 2016 , Global Poet Encomium Of Peace and Universal Love, Global Icon of Peace, Virtuoso Award ,Elizabeth Barrett Browning International Award ,”An Icon "award during 51 years of Chandigarh establishment, International Diploma by Temirqazyq, the Best Writer of the World 2017,Poetic Galaxy 2018 award, Sarojini Naidu Award for excellence in Poetic composition and recitation ,Gold Double Cross award, Woman Of Substance award ,Meritorious Poet and Author 2017,the coveted "Frang Bardhi "International Poetry Contest ,Albania awarded Lily with A Special Award, Certificate OF Honour for a disquisition on Meta language. World Directory of Literature , History, Art and Culture presented a Certificate to illustrious Lily Swarn for her recognised merits .,World Icon of Literature ,Pride of India ,Living Legend of 21st Century ,Ambassador of Humanity and International Icon of Literature titles . Her poetry has been translated into 13 languages. She has been a radio show host in the USA and hosted many stage shows .

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