Thursday, April 1, 2021





The Tree


The only window tree

when through the light the darkness

gladly received from above received

I listen to him like a watch caught in a storm

the tip peels the skin of the moon,

through the air nails he catches the viii

no one's wind opens the wounds

like people mouths

he blows his blood empty

leaked in the image,

blind waves of thought


the branches in the water of heaven

I am passing the shore,

under the windows,

frozen meat

he shakes his torso

with the fire of the window

sharp caress

everything he has to worship,

crack in the rage of lightning,

the lights flicker,

like caterpillars crowding on your hand,

shivering tree

or those who are afraid


the crown of shoots replaces the clouds

with the walking maps of the creator,

the sky locks for the moment

the stars as a monument

in the moments when the nails rise

the echo of the creaking of the cross

moans through the wall,

moment of silence,

in a photo frame,

the sinner lost in the snow dust,

he shuddered in the storm



the branches hum the voice of the thinker,

in digging up the roots thinning out memories

leave free gaps to rest

helmet meant pit

together the shadows in the right hand,

swap with unlocked fingers,

in the other, the prisoners of the leaves,

to hear the cries of the snows,

who come to bless




Copacul singurei ferestre

când prin lumină  întunericul

cu drag primit de sus primit

îl ascult ca un ceas prins de vijelie

vârful  ghierăie pielea lunii,

prin unghii de aer prinde viii

vântul nimănui deschide   rănile

precum oamenii gurile

suflă în gol sângele

scurs în  imagine,

prin gând valuri oarbe


crengile în apa cerului

spoiesc malul trecătorilor,

pe sub  ferestrele,

cărnii  înlemnite

clatină trunchiurile

cu  focul ferestrăului

tăios mângâie

tot ce are la  închinare ,

crapă în mânia fulgerelor ,

pâlpăie luminile,

ca omizile se-nghesuie pe mână,

fiorii copacului în despletire

sau pe cei cu frică


coroana de lăstari  înlocuie norii

cu  hărţile plimbătoare ale creatorului ,

cerul  încuie de moment

stelele ca monument

în clipele  ce-nvie cuiele

ecoul scârţâitului din  cruce

geme prin   perete,

moment de   reculegere,

într-o ramă de fotografie,

păcătosul rătăcit în praful nins,

tremură-n furtună ghemuit



ramurile îngână  vocea gânditorului,

în dezgroparea rădăcinilor rărind  memoriile

goluri libere odihnei lasă

cască însemnata groapă

împreună umbrele  în mâna dreaptă ,

permută prin   degetele deblocate ,

în cealaltă,  prizonierii  frunzelor ,

să asculte plânsul zăpezilor,

ce vin să  binecuvânteze



Glass Does Not Smell


Glass roses

they don't smell like the seasons

I hit deep with pity

spinning with ideas of mortals


in a book sign eyes

the pages of the flesh continue

in the platform of thought it stops

because the hands are freezing


I say, GOODBYE, until the earth

he won't want me to say another word

not to be upset by the gift, congratulations

hugs or holiday wishes




Trandafirii de sticlă

nu prind miros de anotimpuri

lovesc  în adânc cu milă

înspinând  cu idei de muritori


într-un semn de carte ochii

continuă paginile cărnii

în  peronul gândului    oprească

fiindcă mâinile se-ngheaţă


Spun ,LA REVEDERE, până când pământul

nu va mai dori să-mi spun cuvântul

să nu supăr  prin  cadou,felicitări

îmbrăţişări sau urări de sărbători



The Sky Of The Paper


it's fun

as if I see, hear but do not contest

need without permission

someone is nervously trotting

through iron soles tremble

dreams with questions appear

in the carnal wall it rumbles

eyelashes are urging

storms pass through the gate of thought

The good with the angels rules behind


The earth quarrels in heaven

covering his tongue with lightning

it passes through the upper iron

he throws stones

in all that is seen

through bodies the net of light

swing the evening butterflies with shivers

people hide on the floor

as health readers


I'm alone

on my knees I confess

I read aloud

for me

the only human at home

it's the flame that breaks the wax

through prayers fit souls touch

I run through the wings of angels

when the psalms are wet, I take refuge

in a deliberately built box



deasupra  se face chef

parcă văd,aud dar nu contest

nevoia fără voie

cineva nervos  tropăie

prin tălpi  de fier cutremură

apar  visele cu întrebările

în  peretele   carnal bubuie

genele sunt  cu îndemn

trec furtunile  prin poarta gândului

Bunul cu îngerii rânduie prin  urmă



Prin cer se  ceartă pământul

astupând limba fulgerului

prin fierea de sus se trece

se aruncă cu pietre

în tot ce se vede

prin  trupuri  plasa  luminii

leagănă fluturii serii cu fiorii

pe jos se ascund oamenii

ca-n sănătate cititorii


sunt singură

în genunchi mărturisesc

citesc cu voce tare

pentru eu

singura omenească acasă

e flacăra ce sparge ceara

prin  rugăciuni suflete apte  ating

prin aripi de îngeri alerg

cînd stau ud  psalmii, mă refugiez

într-o  cutie zidită cu intenţie




ISPĂȘOIU MIRELA was born on September 16, 1970 in Dr Tr Severin. After finishing her studies at the Economic High School, Theodor Costescu graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law in Timișoara, class of 1996, Department of Construction, Transport and Telecommunications Management, West University Timișoara. She was a member of AIESEC Timișoara, the project team 1994-1996 and of the literary circle Pavel Dan, from Timișoara, 1993-1996. She is an economist, expert accountant and writer (poet), being a member of CECCAR and of the Danubian writers, of the Hyperion cenacle, from Dr.Tr.Severin and the online circle Schenk.Has economic publications in the annals of the University of Craiova-2000,, Human resources in modern management. ” She made his literary debut with the volume In poetry, God sleeps, (ed. Eubeea Timișoara 2010) following Ghemele târziului (ed. Eubeea Timișoara - 2011), Kami şi domnișoara (ed. Brumar Timișoara -2012), and this book (ed. Singur, Târgoviște- 2013), The tree of the only window (ed. Eubeea, Timișoara, 2015). She collaborated with literary publications in: Latin Orient, Horizon, Amphitry Student Forum, Orpheus Notebooks, Banat, Mehedinț Country, Alone, Levure litteraire ,, Literary Seasons, Calligraphy, Hyperion, eCreator, Codrene Syntagms etc She obtained the following literary awards: .Special mention, national student camp for literary creation, Pitești (1994), Pamfil Şeicaru Award, Mihai Eminescu International Poetry Festival, Băile Herculane (January 2009), Râmnicu olâcea honorary diploma award, academy Romanian),. ,,Eminescu '' Award, (Dr.Tr.Severin International Poetry Festival, January 2012), Pro Fidelitas Award for poetry, (International Poetry Festival, Dr.Tr.Severin, June 2012), Medal Award ,,Eminescu, (international poetry festival, Dr.Tr.Severin, January 2013), Nichita Stănescu Award, for the volume ,, Kami and Miss, (International Poetry Festival, Nichita Stănescu, Dr.Tr.Severin 2013), of the magazine and of the publishing house ,, Singur ”, for the volume ,, Şi mârtița este, (Târgoviște 2013), Diploma of excellence for poetry (Lumina cultural foundation, June 2015), the Prize„ Vlad Ardelean for the volumes published at ed. Eubeea, the national book fair, “Montana Book”, (Oravița, June 13-15, 2015), the Orpheus Prize (European Literature Festival “The Meaning of Love”, Dr.Tr.Severin, 2016), the Diploma of Excellence (Dr. Tr.Severin June 2018), Honorary Diploma (Dr.Tr.Severin International Poetry Festival ,, January 2019), Diploma of Excellence (Dr.Tr.Severin, June 2020), Diploma of Excellence (For special literary merits and collaboration with the Cultural Union of Albanians in Romania, October 15, 2020), Diploma of Excellence (For special literary merits and collaboration with the Cultural Union of Albanians in Romania, October 25, 2020) She was present in the anthologies: ,, When memories ... ”, (ed Lumina 2011, Florian Copcea) ,, Stelele'n cer” (ed Lumina 2012 Florian Copcea,),. Booketiera (Prier publishing house, 2013, Ileana Roman) ,, Dew of words ”(vol II, poems from the Schenk circle, ed. Dionysos, Germany, 2020 Christian W.Schenk,), Dream with Nichita (vol XII, Apollom Cultural Foundation, 2020, George Calin), Divine Gifts (Romanian Albanian anthology, 2020, Baki Ymeri), The Power of Words (Romanian Albanian anthology, 2020, Baki Ymeri), Summer of feelings (eCreator publishing house, 2020, Baia Mare), Autumn of feelings (eCreator publishing house, 2020, Baia Mare), Honor of the Mother of God (vol I, ASCIOR, ed. StudIS, Iași,) Autumn of the unicorns (ed. Twilight sentimental, 2020) It was included in the Echo for tomorrow encyclopedia (ed. Rotipo, Iași, 2020) It is included in the dictionary of portrait studies “One hundred years of female literature in Romania” (ed. Eubeea, 2020, Timișoara) References and critical opinions were formulated about the author's poetry in volumes. Critics-Florian Copcea, ed. Lumina, 2012 (pages 185-189); Such a history of contemporary Romanian literature, Vol I, ed Singur, 2013, (pages 95-101); Rodica Draghincescu, Calligrapher, 2016; Levure litteraire, NR .8- Biobibligraphy & Extracts from the national press about the author's lyrics (Robert Șerban, Nina Ceranu, Eugen Măicăneanu, Cătălin Căruntu, Victor Rusu, Florian Copcea, Titu Dinuț, Ileana Roma, Viorica Stăvaru, Viorica Marioara Cîlțaru, Grig Constantin P. Popescu), France; Daniela Tutunaru, Poezie mehedințeană, ed.Universitaria Craiova, 2017 (pag.245); Prof. Dr. Mihail Mihail (anthology preface page 13,2020) It was translated into German, by Christian W. Schenk (volume Wort Vergessenge-vol I, ed. Dionysos 2020), Albanian, by Baki Ymeri (volume Dhurata hyjnore, Antologji poetike, 2020 and Fuqia e fjaleve, 2020)


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