Monday, June 1, 2020



Your Life Is A Glass Of Sherbet

Your life is a glass of sherbet
watch how you drink it
not to shed tears in it.
Your life is a backpack on your shoulder
watch how you wear it
burdens his wife with his burden.
Your life is a garden of paradise
enjoy it to the end.

Love Is The Most Beautiful Verse

Love is the most beautiful verse
carries the most beautiful name,
she writes about rhymes.
Our mother is a security
the beauty of the heart and the soul
its boundaries
they can not get down.
Love is a mountain and a river
and a friend of every man.
Love is the sun that warms
with her life laughs.
She travels the world
fascinates with her beauty,
make your nests
with her man is real,
those lives are celebrate ...

A Special Sun Shines In You

A special sun shines in you
it's always in my heart,
it keeps my town and my home warm ..

I am drawn to beauty
I shine with my rays,
there is hope in him
when I aksham a pod that it falls.

The spring in you smells like love
and the happy air they breathe,
from the drink drunk at the table sigh
while the unhappy book of life is written ..

The nights are long
in hours of sadness,
with heavy rainfall
one woman writes history to you ...

There's a flower in you
that will hug the world,
sleep on your shoulder
erase the sadness of the immense ...


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