Monday, June 1, 2020


JUNE 2020

MARIA MIRAGLIA: When did you approach poetry?

HANA SHISHINY: I started at 12 years old in secondary school, I began with narrative essays and many times was awarded showing on the "board of honor" which encouraged me to write more and more and start my first hidden personal book.

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Do you think of anyone to dedicate your words when writing?

HANA SHISHINY:Sometimes...People who passed in my life. And who engraved thoughts memories and feelings.

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Air, water, earth and fire. What element would you like to be in poetic terms?

HANA SHISHINY:I guess I prefer to be “Air”.. Moving freely everywhere.. A breeze when in love. Stormy when revolted.. And powerfully claiming my rights when needed...

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?

HANA SHISHINY: Yes I do listen to music. Preferring when writing the soft romantic oldies.. Blues.. And classical..

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  What did you feel when you held your first book  in  the hands?

HANA SHISHINY:A book is a new born baby to writers... As I am preparing my first book I already do that with lots of worries.. Love.. Hopes and heartbeats.. All in once.

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Where does poetry come from?

HANA SHISHINY:Poetry comes from every special lived moment.. From the excitement of childhood when discovering the world.. From each feeling.. Each surrounding aspect rippling on the soul.. Poetry is the dive deep into the core of life behind the masks of fake realities...

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Is there a time of the day when you prefer writing?

HANA SHISHINY:I love to write early morning with my first coffee.. But I could be also whenever doors are open to go through labyrinths of my soul.

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Does writing come from the heart or from the mind?

HANA SHISHINY:Writing is the product of amalgamation between heart and mind.. Depending on the subject. Most of times my heart romancing me but never far from the mind guidance.

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  What do you think of poetry and poets on the web?

HANA SHISHINY:I see poetry is  in its best.. Lots of poets lots of very interesting writes (getting more in humanity and creativity). Lots of precious pens filling the web with real soulful verses...

MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Who are your favourite contemporary poets and why?

HANA SHISHINY:For the last few years I was reading mostly on FB.. Brilliant contemporary poets. My favorite is "Ajit Sripad Rao Nalkur “Reading his books is always a journey between forests, mountains and mother earth's treasures. He has a golden pen, enchanting me with his wisdom in a great flowing heartfelt simplicity...

HANA SHISHINY: Lebanese poet writer and translator Having poems in many anthologies Preparing my first poetry book to publish...Had art studies in American university In Beirut Lebanon Painter had many exhibitions. Interior designer and decorator in the real life Egyptian. Living in Cairo Egypt by marriage...

MARIA MIRAGLIA: Educationist, poet, translator, peace activist, Maria A. Miraglia was born and lives in Italy. For a long time, an active member of Amnesty International, she herself founder and chairwoman of World Foundation for Peace. Member of Ican, of the International Observatory for Information and Human Rights. Founding member and literary director of the Italian cultural association P. Neruda, honorary member of Nationes Unidas de las Letras, advisory member of the editor board of Galaktika Poetike Autunis, member of the editorial board of Our poetry Archive, member of the editorial advisory board of Sahitya Anand. Presidente de la organization Mundial de los Trovatores, Italy and Deputy President – Coordination, at a child rights global organization, the United World Movement for Children (UWMC). She collaborates for poetry with numerous national and international newspapers and magazines. Her poems have been translated into several foreign languages and are collected in numberless anthologies all over the world.  Dr Maria Miraglia is often a welcome guest of international events for poetry. Beauty and profundity are the most important characteristic of Maria Miraglia’s works and although these elements are found in some of the exceptional works by modern writers, blending them together seems a challenge for many, where Maria is found to be successful applying them into her poems. Author of anthologies in Italian, English or both languages She is recipient of numerous national and international awards and recognition.

1 comment :

  1. wonderful interview, Hana, wish you more success, congratulations in advance for your poetry book. god bless your pen.
