Enjoy Full
Freedom As Birds
In Harmony
With Nature!
Due to spread of deadly virus of Corona
disease warning, movements of
People have gone down in many places to the
extent of vacancy every-
Where making the migratory birds sing in full
throated voice of the
Freedom they enjoy indicates the impression
that whole world is theirs!
All should aspire to live like birds to enjoy
a life of freedom in love of
Living life in harmony with Nature in good
health and immunity to fight
Against any disease to make our freedom real
and joy a natural process
Unlike the wrong impression that with money
alone we can get all ever!
Health is real wealth and that only ensures
all real confidence and freedom
To enjoy life in love and peace devoid of any
stress, strain, fear and full
Hope sans any doubt to think, talk and do
deeds as all wish in the world
Making all sure of freedom that nothing can
deny under any circumstance!
A life without health and love, one cannot
know of freedom to enjoy good
Life as free as the birds enjoy in harmony
with Nature as in paradise sure!
Beginning We
But End We
Don’t Know!
Beginning of certain things we know, but we
can’t visualize the end of them;
It’s like the birth we know, but we cannot visualize
how death will come….;
The beginning of a thing we know, but we
cannot know the course to the end;
It is like when we are born in the world, but
we cannot know when end is…!
Whether life is very short or long, we live
life with hope and faith to do all well;
But we cannot know in the beginning itself
whether we succeed or not in life;
Course of life is not always going on as we
wish or like as it is in Nature’s hand;
Failure or success, we have to proceed to the
end in the line we are best at sure!
This is the attitude of a businessman as both
profit and loss are common there;
Sans faith in self and endurance of heart, it
is impossible to do business in world;
Not affected by failures and successes, if we
live life, one can see a glorious end;
For, what was impossible is possible and
what’s impossible will be possible sure!
Success or failure, only one’s ambition
drives ahead one’s life sans fatigue
So that the most cherished dream of one can
be achieved somehow one day!
Continue Naturally For The Better In Life!
Thousands of dreams come and continue in more
Life is to enjoy to the full before end comes
in the world;
Opportunity can’t last long as life scenes
change fast sure;
Compensation can be dream only to fulfil
unfulfilled wish!
More than music, poetry, Nature and art,
dream helps much
To overcome frustration, boredom, irritation
and losses of
due to changeless life situation making it monotonous
To live and pull on the days expecting the
end earlier sure!
Imagination and reverie offers temporary
relief in most dry
Way of life one cannot overcome due to
obligation and group
Setup apart from diversion in literature,
songs and arts ever;
But for all losses, dreams are the natural
relief finally sure!
Dreams not only give relief for losses in
life but also, desire
Based dream kindles to have ambition to make
That’s why dreams cannot be stopped but
continues naturally
Helping one to have change for the better
sure in the world!
But Man Cannot
Fly As Free Birds!
Musical birds in six come and go in the
garden next door
Every day in the morning to wake me up from
bed fine
By their sweet tune quite unique and
wonderful to kindle
Joy and enthusiasm as never before by its
freshness sure!
Due to Corona pandemic, the whole town rather
Nation is locked down for a month making all
things ever
Standstill except for the musical birds to
fly free in group,
But restricting all to go in not more than
five by curfew!
Like an incredible thunder, Corona virus
attack has fallen
On humanity all over the world making all
progress and
Development of humankind as a great farce and
Boisterously at deaths of many in lump sans
Even Corona may go away as a passing cloud
like all other
Predecessor viral diseases, but man cannot
fly as free birds!
Time To Change
Way Of Life In The World!
Dreams of romantic love start going on before
intimate one is
Achieved in reality having no idea of fate's
play in our life;
Corona is the agent of fate that has made all
follow social and
Physical distancing to save lives from it
pushing all to start!
Yes, as in the beginning, again all have to
be pleased with
Romantic dreams to overcome longing to have
union with dear
Ones till the chain of Corona virus spreading
fast is broken
For the free social life to rejuvenate once
again as earlier!
Dream is a great boon from God to man in the
world to make
All losses of life compensated by it to pass
on rest of life
In a new way leading to diversions like
enjoying music, arts,
Or basking in Nature to go on higher level in
This is how life has to be lived and that man
is made to
Realize through sudden pandemic like Corona
we face now!
T A RAMESH: Born on 28th August 1950, the Author after working
as an industrialist in Sri Lakshminarayana Industries for 22 years, is occupied
with writing poems and essays since 1989 and has become a Writer Publisher at
Halo Papers, India publishing books from 1996 onwards; from 2005 he is occupied
with publishing his poems and articles on internet; from 2005 on he has become
a world website poetry writer. He has written about 126 English Books such as
novel, short stories, non-fiction ones and poetry books. Achievement Awards: He
is honoured with Best English Book Author Award by Sourashtra Community Welfare
Chamber in 2005, elected as Poet of the Year 2010 for his fine philosophic
poetry by the readers of www.coffeeconnectionpoets.com , honoured as Best
Writer in English with Sourashtrian Achievers Award by BVK-SITCON committee at Madurai in 2013,
also honoured with a prize of $250 for winning in www.poemhunter.com Poetry
Contest in September 2013. Anthologies and Videos:
Further his poems are published in
Poetry Anthologies like The Enchanting Verses International and Conifers Call
magazine and Fiesta of Love (Songs of Loving Hearts) and his poems such as
Colourful Flowers (2009) and Water of Life (2009) are released as Poetry Videos
on www.youtube.com and www.myspace.com.
He is also honoured with the publication of poems in Romanian language
in 2014 in Geneza Visurilor, an
Anthology of International Poetry. From 2015 on his poems are published in Our
Poetry Archive for the promotion of world peace and unity against racism and
terrorism and also from 2016 on his poems are published in Pentasi B World
Friendship Poetry website! Country of Origin: INDIA; Mother Tongue: Sourashtra;
Nationality: Indian; Place of Living: Pondicherry.
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