Monday, November 1, 2021




Quarrel With The Heart


My heart

I love you

I promise

We will eat, drink and merry


I know we are short of time

I won’t put a spoke in your wheel

As long as we live

We will have fun together


I see

I understand you my pal


it’s alright


You would like to be molded

With every feelings

Yesterday was a torment

Today is a sadness

Tomorrow is a pain


Even though you know how it is going to end

You still desire to have a love

What you look for

Separation, longing, hope and passion


You are not looking for happiness

You would like to taste

Slavery, torture and so on


All very well

But I don’t Accord with your demands

I would like to lead a happy life

Come and let us get drunken

Let us enjoy living a life

Health, happiness and abun dance Thanks

Let us go about

Let us make the most of it

To be together


You made me baffled

From me you ask for the things

I never like


Though sorry about it

Here we part company with each other

You cannot make a friend

Enough is enough


I am tired of it

Is it a heart crisis

Whatever you are going through, go for it

Let us part company with each other…

English Translation by Mesut ŞENOL





Seviyorum seni

Sözüm söz

Günümüzü gün edeceğiz

Biliyorum vaktimiz dar

Zora sokmayacağım seni

Yaşadığımız sürece

Eğleneceğiz birlikte



Anlıyorum seni arkadaşım

Peki tamam

Önce yoğrulmak istiyorsun

Her duyguyla


Dün azap

Bu gün hüzün

Yarın ıstırap

Bildiğin halde sonunu

Aşk istiyorsun ihtirasla



Ayrılık hasret umut ve özlem

Mutluluk aramıyorsun

Tatmak istiyorsun

Esaret eziyet vesaire


İyi de


Bağdaşmıyorum senin isteklerinle

Mutlu yaşamak istiyorum

Gel sarhoş olalım

Keyif alalım yaşamaktan

Sıhhat saadet ve bereket

Eksik olmasın


Tadını çıkartalım

Birlikte olmanın


Şaşıyorum sana

Hiç sevmediğim şeyler istiyorsun benden

Kusura bakma ama

Burada ayrılıyoruz birbirimizden

Arkadaş olmaz senden


Yeter, yeter be


Kriz mi?

Ne geçireceksen geçir de

Ayrılalım birbirimizden…



Is It Me?


Is it me to be responsible

Because I am a tall man

Who is responsible for my being white-skinned

And for my having colored eyes


For my ignorance and misery


As if everything is innocent

In this geography

And I am responsible for them


Isn’t here anybody who is responsible?

Through which gene mindlessness pass down?


As if I was asked about all of these

And I came here accepting them

None was asked

None at all

I haven’t accepted and come…

English Translation by Mesut ŞENOL


Ben mi?


Ben mi sorumluyum

Uzun boylu oluşumdan

Kim sorumlu beyaz tenli

Renkli gözlü oluşumdan


Cahilliğim ve sefilliğimden


Bu coğrafyadaki

Her şey masum da

Sanki ben sorumluymuşum

Öyle bir hava esiyor


Yok mu sorumlusu?

Akılsızlık hangi genle gelir?


Sanki bunlar bana sorulmuş ta

Ben kabul etmiş gelmişim

Hiç biri sorulmadı

Hiç birini

Kabul edip gelmedim…





Even though my years passed by me

So fast

I did not abandon

My expectations


Again tonight

Shall rise with new hopes

When expecting the warm sun

I will sit up all night…





Yıllarım geçse de

Hızla yanımdan

Vaz geçmedim



Şafakta doğacak

Sıcak güneşi beklerken

Bu gece yine umutlarımla

Sabahı edeceğim…




BARBAROS İRDELMEN: Born in 1952, he is a medical doctor. He has been active in his profession for 45 years, and he lives in Istanbul. He is married with four sons, and five grandchildren, two of them granddaughters and three of them grandsons. His selected poems have been published in English, Greek and Spanish languages in various anthologies, international poetry festival collections in the country and abroad. His new poems appear in prestigious literary sites and magazines printed at home and abroad. Apart from his Professional book translations and papers, his seven poetry collections were published by the Artshop Publishing House: His published poetry collections: Aynen Abi! Dediğin gibi… (Exactly so Brother! Like You Said) Oluşum Ve İnsan… (Formation and Human Being…) Aynen Abi! İyi geceler… (Exactly so Brother! Good Night…) Aynen Abi! Uğrar Alırım… (Exactly so Brother! I can Pick it up…) Mevsimlik Şiirler - 1... (Seasonal Poems - 1)(bilanguage TR+ENG)) Aşka Dair… (About love) Yeni ve Seçme Şiiler… (New and Selected Poems…)(bilanguage TR+ENG)

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