Monday, March 1, 2021







Hard days

can only give

someone’s absence.


Harder days

can’t give the answers

for the questions

for how many pieces

and for how many more times

can break

the same heart.





Ciężkie są takie dni,

Które przynoszą

Jedynie czyjąś nieobecność.


Gorsze są tylko te,

które nie przynoszą

odpowiedzi na pytania

na ile kawałków

i ile jeszcze razy

może pokruszyć się

to samo serce.






I am much afraid of the pain of solitude,

the pain of the echo of my voice

in too empty space

and my empty words for no one.


The only thing I am afraid more

is that when it comes for real

it will only hurt much more.





Bardzo boję się bólu samotności

bólu echa mojego głosu

w zbyt pustej przestrzeni

i moich pustych słów bez adresata.


Bardziej boję się tylko tego,

że kiedy już do mnie przyjdzie

będzie bolało

już tylko bardziej.



Everything And Nothing


What could I do

If had done everything.


But nothing has changed -

still the same lack of presence.


It seems doing everything

is too little

as much little as






Co mogłabym jeszcze zrobić

jeśli zrobiłam już



I nic się nie zmieniło

wciąż ta sama nieobecność.


Widać wszystko

to za mało.

Widać, że równie mało

jak nic.




EWELINA DUCHNIK was born in 1986, comes from Poland and lives in Radom. She graduated UMCS University in Lublin and The University of Finance and Management in Bialystok. Ewelina has a Master’s degree in Journalism and Social communication and also English Language. She is a member of literacy workshops organised in The Youth Center Association ARKA in her hometown. She writes poems and lyrics. She has been creating poetry from her early childhood. In 2020 she has published her first book „The Butterfly Effect”, which is the collection of traditional and modern poems. Ewelina published her poems in several anthologies of moders poetry as well. She mostly writes in polish language but she also takes a challenge of writing in English and doing Polish – English translation of poetry.


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