Wednesday, November 1, 2023



The Hand


Just remember

the hand

that like a dry leaf caressed your hair

passing through Symplegades.

The hand

where he kept you as a precious talisman

in the handful

and grabbed you like the wind

to set up a dance together on a celebrative Sunday.

The hand

that it stopped the rain at your doorstep

 turned on a light in the tunnel of your life

and together it travelled with you

hoping to cut the thread together.

It' s the hand

that left its soul

and like an open shell was left on the sandy beach

lying on its back looking at the sky

seeking you always.


People ' S Dream


Sand, hour sandglass of my dreams

time thief

my executioner.

Sand, my magic mirror

sesame open

so I can become





It' s not the wind

that hits the ships in the pier.

It' s not the rain

that dives into the thirsty land.

It is not the world ' s cry

in marches without meaning.

Your eyes are

over there among the crowd

marching against my solitude.

It’s love

which majestically builds

the empire of my dreams.




APOSTOLIA TSIAKOVI was born in Greece where she spent her youth by the sea of the Argonauts, the historic city of Volos. She has been awarded many times in international and Pan-Hellenic competitions both for her poems and for her prose works. Greek critics characterized her as a love poet. She is a member of the International Union of Greek Writers and Representative of the Intellectual Agency of South Africa in Greece. Her works are in several anthologies translated into French, English and Bulgarian. She has an equally brilliant career in the field of sports both as a federal coach and as an international judge and member of LEN (European Swimming League) and FINA. She has been awarded for her contribution to Sports and culture by the Greek state. Passionate about photography, music, painting, theater, she never stops learning, finally studying sommelier. In recent years she has been living in Corfu where she works as a physical education teacher in Secondary Education.


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