Wednesday, November 1, 2023





Somewhere in the distance, the blue and fiery sky

kissed each other. Attraction was born.

Nor the rain in the night

could extinguish it.

Every drop, again and again

was creating the attraction

by the silence

by the smell

by the thoughts.

And again, it was born.

Attraction was there

between the thirsty mouth and 

the pearl –beaded water

when they extinguished the thirst.

Attraction was born

between the oil and the lavender,

and for the hot wound

caused by the sun light

Ointment became.

The illuminated faces attracted it

It was rolling down the desert plains

down the trembling descending and ascending dunes.

On the way to attraction                                 

deep dark secrets they told each other

United into one , the dazzling night

turned attraction into a rampart.

Somewhere in the distance, the blue and the fiery sky

kissed each other

one love, one heart and one single grain of sand.

Magic they became.


In The Name Of Kindness

Smile Love


I cross my heart in the name of The Holy Trinity.

In the name of kindness, I feel brave.

I move forward and turn myself into a root to a tree,

into a blind follower to my own dreams.


In the name of happiness, I draw the kindness onto the sun.

Let it shine everywhere and for everyone.

Wisdom is now my brother and I do not let myself

to look at the tired backs of my closest.


I follow the humanity swimming in the dark blue.

It is good. It is striving for its survival.

I turn smile into eternity,

your love giving me blessing,

giving me peace.


Kindness is love.


smile is love and eyes their home.

I cross my heart in the name of the Holy Trinity.





The Moment I Accepted


The moment I accepted

that you were high sky

and unreachable universe,

my fallen star.

Everything had changed.

Deep inside me an internal struggle began

the demon brought mistrust

My thoughts turned into black flower-a thorn had they become

Nonetheless, I kept them despite my mind full of restlessness

I kept them in a drop of water

for two entwined phoenixes

Succumbed to the Eternity.

I pressed them like a mountain its climate

I was selfishly hiding them from the others

I was reviving them with tears just to put them in a circle

The moment I accepted

for my eyes to be closed

when I compared you to a depth and rumble

You should know.

You’ll live there forever

I understand, changes are real, changes exist

But not you. You’ll be written

in my Memorial

in my simple memory







VESNA TODOROVSKA lover of books, poetry, verses. Born in Kumanovo, North Macedonia in 1970. Author of book of poetry with title "Night Notes". A motto that guides her through life: „Climb the mountain not for the world to see you, but for you to see it.“


1 comment :

  1. Me encantó en nombre de la bondad,hay mucho sentimiento humanista en sus poemas.
