Monday, July 1, 2024



The Tainted Sorrow


The tainted sorrow in the lives

Of children of Gaza strip

Surprises the world 

With each one’s heartbreaking

story of loss and grief.


Around a million of hands are stretched 

Beyond the cage of apathy and detachment

Despite that children don't have anything

To do with war and conflicts


The scale of violence is massive

Difficult to escape airstrikes

Lives live under blockade

Children hear the brunt of escalation.

They suffer because of

terrifying sound of explosions.


It concerns

That every child irrespective of

Cast, color, creed and nationality or language

Is exposed to a brutal violence

And the world witnesses

That children suffer from evil Being unaccompanied

 and separated.

We must call on to shape this madness


Insusceptible Love


LOVE is immortal

And not susceptible to any 

wheal or weal.


The heaps of cluttered papers around

The Tear quailed pictures scanned in memory

The twinkling stars and the planets in the azure sky

Proclaim aloud the ultimate story

Of life and death

Of betrayal and trust

Of, love, hatred and  apathy


Love dazzles as the plinth of existence

Of the universe

That reflects and inflects the wave s of passion for fraternity

And that remains clasped to every heart and infuses divinity.


A soft observation of the rules of the universe

Reaffirms the eternality of Love

That never dies but intensifies the notes of fervency

Of goodwill and reverence.


Carved Tears


A solitary lad

With leaning hopes for mercy

and assistance

Spreads her mat institutively

Under the open sky,

And keeps on sleeping

With rolling tears seen carved

On her chapped cheeks

That touches her rosy lips.


When hopes appear flaccid and droopy

She on the altar of disgust with tattered robe

Stretches her hands to the void

In anticipation of drops of compassion

And benevolence.


She stands alone in the crowds

And in the empty lanes and gullies

Having a sweat heart to feel proud

Kneels to pray every morning

At par with the rising sun

For a hopeful day ahead.


Jingle Bell


In the deep woods resembling life as a whole

The rustle of dry leaves

Sing the songs of the frozen statues of feelings - the memories of

The wavering past.


The rhythmic jingle of ankle bell

Pricks the eyes with a long list of events

Out of the drollery of memoirs 

And the past brightens gradually

Under the twilights of

The fire in the pyre of hopes

and hatred.


The lamps of optimism flickers

On the alter of faith.

And drags to the dregs of aspirations

Breaking the hearts to bits

Yet there exists something

Most omnipotent

That teaches not to lose heart

And keep trying

Success is at next door.




RAJASHREE MOHAPATRA: Born in Odisha in India has received her master’s degree in ' History ‘and 'Journalism and Mass Communication' from Utkal University, Odisha. She is a teacher by profession. Being a post graduate in ' Environmental Education and Industrial Waste Management ' from Sambalpur University Odisha, she has devoted herself as a Social Activist for the cause of social justice, Environmental issues and human rights in remote areas through non-governmental organizations. Poetry, Painting and Journalism are her passions.

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