Monday, July 1, 2024




Collecting Memories


My collection is growing daily,

capturing your words, your smiles, your emotions.

I love the delighted laughter,

and magical moments spent together.


Every moment spent with you is polished in my mind.

Memories are free of cost and things are way too high.

Every single day throughout my life my heart rings

Life is all about moments, not things!


Each word you’ve told me is etched into my memory

a thousand of your sounds flashed through my mind.

Gathering up precious moments as reminders

for all the good things that we have left behind.


Nothing is forgotten, nothing. Not even you.

I collect our memories because I still love you.


For God Is Light


As we travel, the Lord lights the way ahead.

It reflects, and love through Him is spread.

He bestows it not at once but at the proper time.

God gives us His grace and makes our lives sublime.


He turns on the lamps as we need them -

Moon and Sun, those flowers without a stem.

He gives us a sky full of stars at night.

He is our Saviour, the Grace of light.


For God is the source of light that goes a long way

and gives everyone their share for the day.

We should put all our trust in Him

even when we think that the odds are slim.


For God has blessed everyone

always to dream of a warmer Sun.

For He is light, and light is all we seek

by silence and peace, He shall loudly speak!


Follow Your Dreams


Commit to your dreams

more than you commit to anything else.

Wherever they may take you,

follow them with every atom, every cell.

That flame that burns inside your heart

let no one by any means tear it apart.

If you think a dream is impossible,

remove all the walls and ceilings

and have faith only in your feelings.

Follow your dreams

take one step at a time

the road is long, it's a long hard climb

but don’t lose sight of your goal

reach high, for the star lies hidden in your soul.

© Frosina Tasevska, Macedonia




FROSINA TASEVSKA, hailing from Shtip, Republic of Macedonia, is a versatile poet and writer proficient in both English and Macedonian languages. With two solo poetry collections to her credit, Frosina's literary prowess extends across national and international platforms, including magazines, journals, and anthologies. Recognized with numerous awards, she seamlessly weaves her words into compelling narratives. Alongside her literary pursuits, Frosina serves as an educator, bringing her passion for language and creativity to the classroom.



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