Monday, July 1, 2024



No Winner!


Difficult time

but it's not the end

it is divided into a thousand streams

the path of the world

along with the worst

war also arrives

we are close to evil.

Not the ones

nor the others

no winner

we will all be defeated

every corner of the earth

it will drip blood

and death will be in the streets.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.                                                                      


Divine Souls


We kissed

like the sun and the moon

today inside the universe

and in this eternal dance

between fire and sky

between stars and clouds

the embrace of love

it became eclipse.

This big kiss

burning with love

it warmed lives and hearts

and it is said that

the divine souls

in all their internal pain

then they will rise again like flowers

on full moon nights.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.                                                                      


Scent Of Beauty


You moon

moon you

silent star

immortal breath

eternal anchor

changing light

feminine mirror.

You moon tell me

scent of beauty

lovely bride

who breathes in your eyes

and in what desire

on nights without stars

your kisses are red roses.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta




FRANCESCO FAVETTA: He was born in Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, true culture, food for the soul! So far, he has written more than 4000 poems, he also writes philosophical reflections and thoughts. In 2018 he was awarded by the Accademia di Sicilia, Academician of Sicily.


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