Monday, July 1, 2024






Serendipity fluttered its wings

Without a knock when I was ready to receive the oppressive frowns.

It arrived in a floral apparel, in a gown

Layered with intricate tapestry

Of the most exquisite designs.


This was when I thought

I would mend the tear

And start on a low sullen note

My yesterday left me.


It brought along the lost message of hope

And the radiance of the cosmos overhead,

In the icy sheets of winter

When post shredded trees

Buried their arms in frozen, gloomy white blanket.


When all awhile, I tried to reschedule

My route and reluctantly accepted the

Invitation of wintry chill

Threatening to take away my warmth.


And suddenly the sudden turn of events

A wave of redolence in sheer resplendence greeted,

And made me elated.

Serendipity heralded and blew

The musical chimes.


Serendipity reawakened my faith

That shackles of gloomy monotonous bindings

Can also suddenly depart.

And tedious roadways can usher spring’s   confetti of colours,

At the next bend.


Educated Chameleon


Societal constructed “HE” tag mark.

One among them is from the blazing, heightened human altar.

Has many educational degrees to his name,

But the toxicity of patriarchy runs in his veins.


He speaks decoratively about feminist movements

But knows very well how to muffle

The cries of feminine truth,

Giving dumb reasons

Camouflaging the logic behind the reasons.


He speaks of liberation, of equality,

Of the scale of equity,

Of a universe that should bury injustice,

But deems it his right to be served

With higher taste in his hearth.

While she slogs, runs, feeds her offspring

 With her milk, gets up again

To complete the manual tasks

 Labelled as feminine work.


He speaks about fragile emotions

Zigzagging, challenging trajectories

 Of feminine race,

Of light extinguishers,

Of resistance.

But fails to see that he can

Make eyes moisten and emanate tears.

Fails to see that he can give birth

To hatred in soft hearts, adorning

Mute lips.


He knows history of queens who made it against all odds.

And philosophy of truth under the cosmos.

He speaks of delicate motherly womb

Glorifies maternity,

And of healing umbilical wounds.

But he takes pride in his physical might

 Knows how to subdue with the hurl of his fist,

 When pelted with righteous, blaring voice of feminine truth.


She stares dumbfounded at the chameleon and his diluted footsteps.


Childhood Travelogue


When emotions wrap me with its pashmina shawl,

Infusing warmth with the memories of my travelogue.

I travel to the untainted world of childhood innocence.


The tendrils of my soul

Are sweetened by the roller coaster ride of yore.

The charcoaled sights of today has made fissures in life’s vulnerability.

As I fly from the imposters of this world,

I am marooned in the soft, luscious melody of scampering feet and loud laughter.


The hug of kindness can be felt, even in the stumbles and fall.

As I stand on the brink of my travelogue, before returning to the ripened day of today,

I wonder how innocence gets corroded

In the quest for a more fulfilling life.


Alas! The whimsical hubbub of childhood can be preserved in the diary of memories travelogue.




SANGEETA DEY (ROY) is an author, fiction and non-fiction essayist whose works has been published in several magazines souvenirs newspapers, ejournals, national and international anthologies. Her debut of poems is Whispers in the Blue “She also co-edited a book of poems, named,” Mystic Reveries “. She is a member of IPPL and ispell (Assam Forum). A teacher by profession, she loves this joyful vocation.

She hails from Haflong, DimaHasao Assam.



1 comment :

  1. Such soulful poems, tearing into the hypocrisy of the world we live in, but not bitterly, rather with an unvarnished hope. A beautiful combination of deep observation, softness and a silent determination.
