Monday, July 1, 2024





Hear The Blowing Wind


The old rusty gate creaks open,

                        I hear the blowing wind whoosh and howl,

                          blazing autumn leaves waltz murmuring

                                  stories from a forgotten past,

                      The lonely owl hoots, shrieks tu-whit tu-who

                             rain falls drip-drop…pitter-patter

                                A door shuts bang somewhere

                                     making me shudder!


                          The desolate staircase is dusty and empty -

                      lamenting for footsteps of chattering, giggling

                              children playing hide-and-seek,

                   dry leaves crumble under my feet in the orchard

                                  which once smelt ambrosial!


                       The place whispers an exuberant childhood…

                                 my heart flutters to recollect

                          the humming music of the quaint hamlet…

                         bees buzzing around the colourful flowers,

                            butterflies flirting with roses and dahlias,

                            birds chirping melodious tunes which

                           serenade to far-away rippling streams.


                         The swing has stopped, birdsongs are gone!

                                 The rusty gate squeaks open..

Copyright : Malabika Ray Choudhury

April 7, 2024


That Twenty-One


The yellow bird is back to the tranquil meadow

where my soul finds a true repose,

she didn't leave me....

I speak to her every day,

she tweets back with glee!


We talk about the illusory flamboyant days

which tip-toed away in a veil,

the glistening saffron-hued days

when I was twenty-one,

with trancelike beat in my feet, enthralling song in my heart,

dreamy eyes unfolding beauty of love!


with amber kindness in my soul,

with tangerine hope in my voice,

with azure grace in my walk,

with vermillion exuberance in my dance.


that twenty-one is never really gone,

I still feel its demure whispering,

the hope, the dream, the cadence, the beat,

it's incredible! never left me!


Yellow Bird, I know you come from afar,

where aquamarine clouds rendezvous hazy mountains,

where shimmering ocean splashes the ruby-red horizon,

where chartreuse waterfalls descends on coral rocks like a symphony…..


I offer you all my songs,

my music, my soul,

my dream, my hope,

to carry it to your alluring land...truly amazing!


And sing, and sing, and sing!

Copyright: Malabika Ray Choudhury

April 7, 2024


The Yellow Curtain


The curtain in my room is pale yellow,

           With unique embroidered golden leaves on it,

                My mother lived in this room for a little while,

                    And unknowingly left a bit of her,

                                    for ever!


               She told me, she loved the curtain.

           Waking up at the first light of ruby dawn,

        When sky is mesmerizing with shades of vermilion,

          She used to gaze at the enthralling golden leaves,

       And ponder about every one she cherished in her life,

                  Each enigmatic leaf reminded her

                     each of her beloved ones.


                          She prayed for them,

              With inimitable tenderness, whispering,

                    Uttering each and every name,

             Each and every person precious in her life,


                              And in the end,

                      The names were countless!


                 The Yellow Curtain still hangs there.

Copyright : Malabika Ray Choudhury




MALABIKA RAY is an Indo-Canadian Poet and Writer. She lives in Mississauga, Ontario, and is a member of Mississauga Writers Group

and League of Canadian Poets. She worked with Peel District School Board as a teacher for many years, and her other passions include Vocal Music and Visual Art. In 2019, her first collection of poems was published by Kindle Publishers. In 2023 her translations of Tagore’s poems and a short novel in her home-language, Bengali, were published. Malabika continues to write prose and poetry in both English and Bengali.

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