Monday, July 1, 2024




Circularity Of Nature


My bright thoughts about the world ignite,

where the golden sun rises.

The goldish leaves are raining near me,

buttercups shine in the blooming meadow.


Nature lives in circularity,

the river shines like molten gold -

a person is rich in emotions.

Above me - wings of flocks of birds.


This beauty will be in vain

if you don't sit next to me in the dark.

Evening comes invisibly.

And the silver moon is climbing.


The Smile


You gave me back my smile

that people took to heaven.

Tore out the root of the pain.


You helped my soul

to be filled with love

to the living and the invisible,

to the Еarth and the planets,

to the galaxies and the universes.


God inhabits everything.

He cries with our tears,

smiles with our lips.


Love is God and appears

in light above the world.

He sent you to me

like the man from the hill.

And I recognized you -

the man from the worlds.


My heart can feel the smile of God.


In A Far Country

“Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood” - T. S. Eliot.


Laughter among fig trees.

The wind blows it away.

The sky is hidden behind a huge leaf.

A child reaches for the figs - they are on high.


It tells us something in its unknown language.

We answer in a language unknown to him.

We say kind words and kid captures the energy.

Messages from soul reach the soul of the other.


The language of love is universal

for humans, plants and animals.

The child communicates with it now

and at this moment the world is splendid.


Emotional Memory


I remember that moment again

darkness covered the Earth.

Fragrance of spring flowers,

feeling of nearness unknown.


It was dark outside and I hesitated.

But I had to go on alone,

thinking about both of us, about the light -

that we can be scattered.


The soul within me started crying.


- Go on! – you said to me, staring into the twilight.

 - Go, I will find you in the worlds.

- I'm afraid we'll get lost - I told.

- I'll find you. You shine in the blackness.


Time Of Life


Nothing lives long enough

life time is limited:

the flowers will wither,

the leaves of the trees will drop,

we are going to leave the beautiful land.


In space our love will remain,

will look for someone to take refuge with,

who to hug.


A few verses will remain of us -

by chance someone will read them

as information that we were here

and in other worlds we have traveled.




STOIANKA BOIANOVA, (Bulgaria) Physicist. Listed in “Guinness World Records” for HYPERPOEM, is author of eleven books in the genres of poetry and fiction in Bulgaria. Co-author with Minko Tanev (her husband and partner in literature) of four bilingual books in English and Bulgarian published upon the invitation of, India. She has participated in more than 80 world anthologies with poetry, gogyoshi and haiku, and has publications in 28 countries. Awards:  “Best Author European Community”, the International Poetry Competition “Ossi Di Seppia” 2024, Italy; Grand Premio International Poetry Prize “Ossi di Seppia” Italy, 2023; Chinese International Zhengxin Poet Award, China, 2022; Silver Award for World Gogyoshi, 2022; “First World Poetry Competition of Newspapers and Televisions” 2020, China; Prize Suryodaya Literary Excellence Award, India; LIBRE Global Poetry Prize and PREMIO PACIFISTA GLOBAL, POETAS INTERGALACTICOS, Ecuador; Silver Award for World Gogyoshi, 2022; In the list of the top 100 European most creative haiku authors. Haiku awards and honors in Poland, Japan, India, Croatia, France, and Bulgaria. Certificate of honor for contribution to modern Bulgarian literature, 2019. Honorary Poet of Birland State, Africa, depicted on a special postage stamp. International Peace Ambassador, The Daily Global Nation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Member of international organizations and of the Global Honorary Council, the Federation of WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETY, Singapore.





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