Monday, July 1, 2024





Under sheer pressures

And many storms weathered

I have persevered, stood tall

Now is my time

To bloom and blossom

Celebrate the very roots

That kept me going

Helped me through it all.

Donna McCabe ©


Falling Apart


Life is so fraught

Emotions frazzled, fried

A brain on the brink of blowing

From all that's been held inside

So much upheaval and misery

A constant presence of pressure

How does one get through it all

Just trying to go on like this from day to day

When everything's falling apart around you

Like a house of cards...

Donna McCabe ©




Ripe vibrant buds

Ready to burst into bloom

An eye-catching sight.

Donna McCabe ©


Ghost World


Our world is becoming a shadowland

Green pastures turning to sand

Tears of extinction are going unnoticed

Through man's selfish strife.

Donna McCabe ©


Inked Frustrations


Tears of a poets fall

Droplets of sorrow and pain

Finding their way onto paper

Where in ink they flow again

Words of deep emotions

That have so long been repressed

Now ready to see the light of day

Ready to be expressed.

Donna McCabe ©


Love's Mind Games


They love me, they love me not

That old cliché

A love lost connection

Fading by the day

Drying out, getting brittle

Colour fading, not there

All confused, all emotional

Yet numb without care

They love me, they love me not

I guess the latter had won

What was once colourful and rosy

Has now wilted in the sun.

Donna McCabe ©





DONNA MCCABE is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years’ experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page.

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