Monday, July 1, 2024




The Dinosaur That Opens Its Mouth


The Dinosaur that opens its mouth

Blamed me with its breath

That I didn't say this:

How I wish that State’ serial killers:

Murderers of the culture of killing: hunters, bullfighters. etc.

Death's boyfriends: mercenaries and graduation soldiers

Political thieves, prevaricators, and religious pedophiles

Of any belief, dogma or ilk, learned in schools

Destined to subjugate and domesticate subjects

As well as traffickers of weapons and live organs

Will disappear from the face of the Earth once and for all

As happened to the dinosaurs so slender and powerful

Dead and missing in a long procession of thirst and hunger

And that they serve, like them, to distract the children

At their April Fool's Day

And occupy a place in the history of human understanding

So that they do not repeat themselves

The inquisitions, the intermittent wars, the massacres

That give life to the serial killers of all governments

That, like politicians, learn in courses of murder and braying

By use, by fashion, and without teachers.

What scoundrels they were

Our great-great-grandfathers and grandfathers

That of deaths and murders chairs allowed

Voting and praising serial killers by Decree.

Maybe because they were taught, well, by their teachers

That men, all of them, feed on corpses

Even the unbelieving and deluded

That they have little appreciation for men

And their beliefs.

I hope it is a confirmed fact

That, in the field tent, under the open sky

Show the boys and girls all these evil born

Blaming all these deformed idiots

Of the violation of human rights

Of crime, murder and the death of entire peoples

Their killer instruction and talent

And stay safe

In the true history of time, so curious

Because it cannot be the world we live in.

Not in our days.


The Capper


I was lucky enough to meet a Capper

Who did me the favor of teaching me

To play his capador

 Or chiflo, caramel, syringa

Walking down a street that's too long

Of Caparra, a town near Plasencia

From Caceres, Spain

On the Silver Road

Where there are great ruins and remains

Of having been a great city

In Roman times.

Stopping playing the caramel or syringe

He announced himself through the houses shouting:

-The cappper, the capper.

To spay or to castrate (removal of testicles)

It is useful and convenient for donkey or horse

For the blunt mule or mare

The first proceeding

From the union of donkey with horse

And the second of a mare with a donkey.

Also, he taught me how to hold

To cut, remove and sew the sac of the testicles

Praising me this capper

That he was so happy

Castrating Donkeys and Horses

Like pigs that growled

With loud clamor

In pigpens of stables and corrals.

Any young man would have been daunted

Seeing these sublime castrations

Making me reflect

Of the castrations that priests did to us daily

In convents or seminaries

Where we studied to become one day

A faggot or pedophile priest

Unraveling from them

Everything belonging to their scrotal part

So mystical divine.

The masters of Donkeys, Horses and Pigs

Made a thousand observations

About his way of covering

But everyone praised

Doing it in due time

With the best success

Everyone being satisfied and admired

Seeing the set of utensils

That he carried to castrate

Stating that this of to cover

It was “an interesting career”

Persuading myself

How much testicles are worth

And even more so those of a pig.

-Better than you, Capper

There is no one on the Globe

I told him, saying goodbye

Kissing him.


Dino Has Let A Real Stinker


On the way to Jurassic Aranda

Children sing cheerful

Because let's see dinosaurs

Big and small ones

In its beautiful exhibition.

Behind the security chain

They look so slender and beautiful.

Some move their heads and tail

Others seem to sleep.

-Don't sleep dinosaur

Do not sleep, if not

Safety guard is coming

And he will wake you with the baton

Cchild shouts to dinosaur

That really seems.

Little dinosaurs

They seem to move

Wanting to kiss its mother.

-The sorrow, Mom, Mummy

Is that they move very little

In that short space

Of artificial grass

Child tells his mother.

-Mom, mom, grandfather

That big dinosaur

With such a long neck

Has raised its head

Opening the sturdy legs

And has let a real stinker

That I have heard it

And I don't invented it.

-It won't be true¡ my child

-Mom exclaims.

And the grandfather says:

-Child tells the truth

Well, that popular dinosaur

A stinker has been thrown out

To dupe the children

And to the security guards.

-Daniel de Culla




DANIEL DE CULLA: Writer, poet, painter and photographer. Member of the Collegiate Association of Spanish Writers, Earthly Writers International Caucus, Poets of the World, (IA) International Authors, Surrealism Art, Friends of The Blake Society, Nietzsche Circle and others. Director of Gallo Tricolor Review and Robespierre Review. He has participated in numerous Poetry and Theater Festivals, has collaborated and collaborates with various magazines and newspapers such as: Otoliths; The Stray Branch, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Allien Buddha Zine, The Poet Magazine, Uppagus, ReSite, GloMag, Fleas on the Dog, LAROLA, RAL'M, Misery Tourism, Leavings, The Creative Zine, Terror House Press; and other national ones: Pluma y Tintero, Letras de Parnaso, Revista Azahar, Cultura de Veracruz; Vericuetos,  Sol Cultural Center, etc.

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