Monday, July 1, 2024




The Birds


The feathered children of nature,

Are pleasing us with their symphony,

Urging us to live in harmony,

To never be blinded by the power of hate.


Messengers of spring along with the snowdrops,

The duck is happily swimming with her ducklings

In the crystal waters of the silent lake

Without knowing that she’s being watched by a lover


Perched on the branch of the blooming cherry tree

Together with his beloved, both by the name of Columba,

Admired by the poet that was walking calmly

In search of inspiration in his favorite place.


Loved or feared throughout history,

They were witnesses throughout the Messiah’s life,

From the day the Holy Father sent him to Earth

To the day he was crucified by men’s cruelty.


They have their portrait on many coats of arms,

They’re respected by the nobility.

God always knows through them

What deeds does the man perform.




Beautiful as a princess,

Named after Magnol

Came to spring’s ball

Dressed in purple

To show her royal status.


She dresses in white at the wedding

To show the prince that she has a pure heart

Underneath the expensive clothes that society

Is forcing her to wear,

According to its norms.


In pink she enjoys the days of her youth,

Living every minute of her life,

Enjoying every sunrise

For which she dresses up in yellow,

Welcoming the sun with open arms.


No matter what color she’s wearing,

No matter how others interpret her,

She’s shining within like a celestial body.

She’s a gift given to us by God

Sprayed with dewdrops in the morning,

In the evening with tears shed by the sensitive souls,

Those were misunderstood by the world shrouded in illusions.


She’s laughing with the happy souls,

She lets the birds perform their symphony

On her open arms, enveloping them in her perfume.

She quietly listens to the broken heart,

Offering her solace the way she does best.


Art In Poetry


The poet silently put feelings on paper,

Adding shards of his own soul in every verse.

The nervous playwright writes the play,

The actors are getting into the characters,

Hoping the audience that is eager for culture and beauty

Will discover the messages he sends.

Listening to the muse’s advice carefully,

The composer quickly writes down the ideas

On the once empty staves

And starts to play the piano without noticing

That a shy swan tiptoed into the glade.

She gracefully dances on the crystal waters of the lake

Letting herself be carried away by the waves of music.

Somewhere under Zeus’ tree,

Another child of the muse is immortalizing

Everything on the white as snow canvas,

While sounds of angels and nightingales

Are echoing throughout Mother Nature’s temple.

The potters add flower petals on the vases,

The jewelry makers pride themselves with their shining works,

The talented architects build works of art,

The bakers and chefs cook the edible works,

The florists and landscape gardeners bring masterpieces

Into our homes and cities.

How will the photographer be able to include everyone in a single photo?




GEORGIANA-LAURA GHEORGHE - Brăila – România. Born in a country with a wonderful history, customs, traditions and culture, she’s a sensitive soul whom considers writing as a way to express her untold feelings and opinions. She’s a translator, but creative writing is one of the many hobbies she has. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in the English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature – Philology at “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters – Bucharest (Romania) and a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi (Romania). She competed in a few national literary projects such as the online poetic show „În Lumea Copilăriei”, Parfumul Clipei, May 2022 and international literary championships such as the “Dantebus” National Poetry Contest, 4th edition, Italy, 2022 etc. She was awarded the „Certificate for Best Entry” for my photography/poem „The Feline” entered in the ILA Magazine’s „ANYTHING SATURDAY”, Category: VISUAL ART/ POEM COMPOSITION, founder Annette Nasser held on July 9th, 2022, awarded on July 24th, 2022; “Mențiune” at the „Exercițiu de Imaginație” contest, judges: Ana Văcărașu, Ioan Avram organized by the Cenaclul Literar Artistic „Simfonia Cuvintelor”, July 17th, 2022 etc. She published poetry in various national and international literary magazines and anthologies, and launched two bilingual poetry books “What is life?” on September 2019 and “The Chest of Life” on 2021. She’s a member of ARTLIT - Asociația Română a Traducătorilor Literari from February 15th, 2022 and of the World Literature Academy that is under the aegis of the Romanian Cultural Centre in London from October 20th, 2020. Other than creative writing, she likes to listen to music mostly classical, instrumental and soundtracks, travel and navigate on the Internet. 




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