Monday, July 1, 2024




I Will Bloom Again


How my dreams rustle tonight!

How they breathe heavily

my newborn desires!

How fragile silence

he hugs me tightly

as I look to my tomorrow

to breathe slowly inside his cocoon!

How my thoughts rustle tonight

inside my mind so loud!

Now I can

with my silken eyelids open

to dream that I fly

above the colorful notes of my heart

who tenderly sings to me of the coming

of a new dawn in my life

I know I won't sleep anymore

traveling among the stars

and in the love calls of the angels

fluttering above the paths

of my future life

I feel born again

as Ι keeps me alert

the spineless memory of bright times

where I am going to live

in other constellations,

in other galaxies,

in other parallel Universes

How many tears do I still have left

until I bloom again

in worlds burning with hope?


Eternal Prompt


Let's travel among the stars!

We will open a crack

in the darkness of eternal night

with the light of our love

We will let the waves of pleasure flow

like the juice of unripe grapes,

like a waterfall

of foaming early lusts

that are about to spill out

in the river of our meeting


Let's walk

onto the stressed body of the asteroids

which for so many centuries collided

in our timid dreams

and they disappeared them indifferently!


Forget your fears

and your hesitations!

Imagine that we are two trilobites

which their union will inevitably lead

in the blooming of new seasons

Let's get lost in the vortex

of a bright, new creation!


Refuge In Oblivion


They often come to mind

all that I craved

but I didn't have the courage to bring them to life

I usually take refuge in oblivion

but how to ban

in my mind and heart the memories?

They become beasts, monsters and dragons

and they are following me

without mercy, without pity,

without fatigue

I don't always succeed

to resist them and forget

They are relentlessly chasing me

They tear apart the colorful canvas

of oblivion and redemption

with their large sharpened claws

Then I give up myself

to their uncontrollable appetites

I no longer put up any resistance

I let them devour

my time and my soul

Then in the night

my moments become hell

I'm burning

of glowing stones

that the merciless memories throw at me,

punishing me

for I hesitated to give breath

to all that is precious, to all that is bright




CHRISTOS DIKBASANIS is a poet, writer and scholar of religions. He was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, where he graduated from the Theological School of the Aristotle University. He holds a Master's Degree from the Theological School with a specialization in Religious Studies. It has been included in the "Great Encyclopedia of Modern Greek Literature" of Haris Patsi publications and in the “Who's Who” of journalists. He has been honored with many national and international awards for his poems.


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