Monday, July 1, 2024




One Circle On The Banana


A spontaneous look

and longing for midnight work

in the sheath of fate

in the needle of hopelessness


Let the dangerous games begin

sads as I sit and watch

the empty field is only mine

and there won't be anyone else


Butterflies in my stomach as I search for the circle of existence

and I think it is difficult to reach him

but I would redirect the love

to inanimate objects


If only I could be happy

and I make other people around me like that

maybe I would only get

one circle on the banana


No, it's not cheesy

I'm just asking for a gram of respect

and the look of honor lies in the sea

people are sitting around me


I can be strong, I tell myself

and I don't think otherwise

because I am a man of the river

and I don't shy away from that


The circle on the banana is black

as well as my hardened fate

the soul of the unknown would come out of the bosom

but it doesn't work, it doesn't work!




MAID CORBIC from Tuzla, 24 years old. In his spare time, he writes poetry that has been praised on several occasions, as well as awarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and world peace in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the portal of the First Virtual Art Universe, led by Dijana Uherek Stevanović, and the selector of the competition on the page of the same name, which aims to connect all poets around the world.


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