Monday, July 1, 2024




Crucified By Thoughts


Crucified between good and evil, between eternity and a moment of glory,

He is the master of the slaves. I am glad to invent my own fun.


Bowling going to the heavens, tormented for years in guesses,

And believing only in miracles and old silk notebooks,


Corny principles were woven into his disheveled life,

And the syllable was drowned in that faith, but he kept whispering to himself - be strong.


Created by love in blindness, where it is fatal to enter the role of truth,

Wandering in the dark with my soul, a sacramental pattern is woven,


He believed in the mystery of heaven, between the darkness and the ghostly light

He has risen with the truth in words. My God, the people read the poet!


Don't Save Up Grudges


Do not accumulate resentments - not a lot of wealth!

Close the page with insults in an instant.

And goodbye soon, do not surrender to the,

Even if the anger of revenge has overtaken you in your thoughts.


Well, who will benefit from this, science?

My conscience will be tormented and my heart will suffer.

Revenge is not a victory, but a terrible torment!

Let go, forgive, and grace will come.


My soul will feel so light at the same moment,

You will see the light, Straighten the two wings behind your back

in flight with a simple puff,

The world will open up to you completely different.


By changing your mind to mean grudges,

You will understand that life is good without embellishment.

You put the bad stuff in the hands of Themis*.

Life is given only once - so live now!


And The Soul Must Be Protected


And the soul must be protected,

After all, the earthly world cannot be remade.

And there will be many meetings in life,

Not everything is within reasonable limits.


Of course, there are no saints in the world,

And girls are sinful, and guys,

There are no recipes for everything simple,

As there are no excuses for sins.


As they say here and there:

A test was sent from heaven.

Or is the load at all beyond your years?

Become stronger through suffering!




NATALIE BISSO is a poet, novelist, essayist, and songwriter. Author of 13 author's collections, 1 author's e-book, 1 presentation electronic album and more than 120 lyrics, as well as co-author in more than 170 international almanacs and anthologies and more than 100 international newspapers and magazines. The poems have been translated into 40 languages of the world. Honorary Figure of World Literature and Arts with the assignment of a silver badge. Founder and President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune“ (MLATT). Academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art; Academician of the International Academy of Russian Literature; corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences and Arts. Honorary Member of the WRITERS UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, Head of the German Branch of the SPCA, member of the International Union of Authors and Performers (ICAI). Member of the Cámara Internacional de Escritores & Artistas and the CIESART World Council (Spain). Member of the International Union of Writers, member of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Contemporary Poetry "SVETOCH", member of the International Guild of Writers (Germany), Member of the International Association of Writers and Publicists, Member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) / (ETG/ECG London). Advisor to the International publication of Chinese Literature (Hubei Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles), member of the Jury of international competitions, Ambassador of the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity (IFCH), Member of the European Council and the Intercontinental Advisory Committee RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III; Honorary President of "Thousand Minds for Mexico" and the international jury in Germany, Honorary Member of the Union of Spanish-speaking Writers (UXE). Multiple laureates of international literary, poetry and music competitions; winner of several special international prizes; Holder of many international medals and orders, including those under the auspices of UNESCO; the title of "Golden Feather of Russia"; the title of MAESTRO; the title of MASTER OF POETRY; the title of OUTSTANDING SCIENTIST FROM the CONSORTIUM of the International Academy of Ethics in India.


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