Monday, July 1, 2024




Last Will


Inevitably each one of us, we have to end our existence of this world, and we have to live, we need to love, we have to learn, we need to discover, we have to be renewed from the entire life and universe. Every single age we celebrate means lots of new experiences given and lived, because nobody is interested to fit the space you had touched.


The reason why, we have to breathe all over the place we've, we have to conquer what we have dreamed, we have to regenerate all those things we have not done neither gone yet, and definitely life is short, yes we must enjoy and endure being alive all the time. And destiny might've played the unexpected card for you, and we must approve that test immediately to surpass the other.


This is always a new beginning for all of the humanity, and every opportunity is given for a purpose to acquire new perspectives to better future and better living. Nobody is there to accompany you in the marathon of life, unless you run it out. Nobody is irreplaceable, unless you want to happen, each person is unique and no copy nor clones are available to manage what's being done with you.

What's my last will? I wanted to be loved cared just like I would've always lived to be loved and felt and respected, not focused on what others would've imposed me to be, I would have been known for the way I would have been to know now.


Death Of Wealth


Mostly of the habitants of the world, are not rightfully thinking about how to end life, and we have seen they ask to die with money.  For their perspective being wealthy is more important than any representative of themselves. But after they deceased what could happen? Where that green paper could go?


Doesn't matter who might you have huge impact on your bank account, doesn't matter if you have collected for the support of charity organizations, doesn't matter how greedy you were or will be in the process, definitely you won't survive with those money on pockets. You might've been the prosperous citizens recognized everywhere, and the account of the incentives twisted sideways.


That scenario won't endure lifetime neither won't be everlasting neither will resuscitate no longer, because the material vanished and your body won't ever be able to make more prosperity after death. That's why we have to do the job done in life, otherwise they won't be accepted for what you have acquired, the opposite, you will be recognized by who you were in present time.


My Shadow Paints Your Silhouette


Let me invite you to my soon creation: Sand silhouette. Now, who'd be the painter and who'd be the canvas? Simple, my shadows will paint what my feelings draws the loved partner. Let's go the exposition!

Shadows will use the breeze to accommodate the sanding while the silhouette will transform my love I'm looking for.


This is sensational, because you may have the quietly opening to disseminate the breath the body I want to be kissed touched, also when I'm close to my lovely creation, I'm into that indescribable sensation to become that masterpiece within.  Let me undress all over, to allow the breeze scan my body to ignite the essential needs to be indulge to this request.


After my lover is done, definitely I will succumb into his body I'm anxious to feel, to kiss, to cuddle, to sense the optimal penetration ever thought for our gracious episode. We are wanting this to be the maximum quality of imagination where we can only celebrate our ecstasy together.


I can't wait to see and adore what my future holds with my presence into this new artful human being given made my own life.


Gay Assessment


As LGBT supporter, certainly I'm definitely not approved any decisions against the society which is always marginalized by the despicable acts of the people who are not accepting they shall live together to assist these citizens. Undeniably for them the community wants to be respected.


Why is this? Unfortunately, there's a huge outage about the future of the world and disgracefully sentencing the entire process of making heinous behavior to those individuals who are looking for peace as well like everyone else.  When I had read the information of the repulsive attitudes towards some people of the society, made me feel adapted to their dissatisfied lifestyle.


Who are we to dismantling the generation because the majority won't accept the reality they have to be honored and respected?

If you are interested in your predominantly status of credibility, unfortunately they shall have the equivalent associate to grow positive outcome rather than being judged by cavemen illiterate.


This is not a legendary story neither the children fables, they must receive the proper recognition equitable and assertive person just like everybody else perception. Nobody shall be expelled neither be violated neither have to be victimized by unconscious citizens who are not abide anything to educate themselves to a righteous direction to enhance education.


Independently what you might have thought of they can't be supportive but they misinformation we have gotten from the whole situation and society is the same abhorrent dirtier decisions because they won't change their rulings neither perception of LBGT existence. They are all human like everybody in every aspect and every country they live.




Dr. JOSE LUIS LOPEZ: From Puerto Rico. Born June 8th, 1971 Studies: Graduated from Secretary Sciences. Obtained Associate Degree in Office Automation, Puerto Rico Junior College, Rio Piedras. (1993)

Bachelor Degree in Executive Secretary, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus (1998). Achievements: Published in the Indian Newspaper Daily Global Nation (Bangladesh). Publication of second book of poetry, bilingual: Ficción Poética (poetic fiction). Publication of his first book of poetry, Aventurero (adventurer). First Children's Literature Magazine (anthology/USA). Participation virtually Wazda International Poetry Festival (Morocco). World Union of Poets of Knight Bortolazzi (plaque/Italy). Lido Del'annima Award Cultural Excellence (Italy). Published in Moroccan newspaper Ahkabar7. Published in Greek Magazine Polismagazino


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