Monday, July 1, 2024




I Can't Anymore...


I can't even write poems anymore.

It's hard for me to fall asleep,

even harder to breathe.

I bring a lot of colours

into my closet and apartment,

to escape the dark.

I open the windows or run outside

and yet, I always need air.

With smiles, I draw smiles,

to colour and mark

my life with laughter.

I often buy flowers

to bring spring to cold house.

And I sing some tunes quietly,

or I sing from the bottom of my heart,

let it plow.

And I tell my heart to be strong,

to fight...


But it's all in vain,

some inner voice speaks to me.

Neither verse nor dream

is coming to me.

Bright colours on the outside

just emphasize the darkness inside.

I'm catching my breath,

the smell of flowers is bitter.

My step taps through the darkness.

Laughter and song,

for a second

are far from crying.

And that one and only one,

with whom I would be

happier and stronger,

is so far away.


Fear Not, My Dear


When you come again

for a dose of unconditional love,

another piece of your heart

will hist the white flag of surrender.


Don't be afraid, my dear,

the fire of my love, 

with the pieces of your heart,

I feed my hungry heart.


You will dive

into the mirror of my eyes

and see yourself

above all


You will dive

into the shelter of my breasts

and feel that they exist

just to warm you.


You will dive

into the nest of my hands,

comfortable, soft,

and know that

no one has ever loved you

so much.


Don't be afraid, my dear,

the fire of my love, 

with the pieces of your heart,

I feed my hungry heart.


When you leave me,

recovered with

a new dose of unconditional love,

you'll wish, once again,

over the great water.

The irresistible taste of liberty

will bring you to me again.


I Will Never Forget


I will never forget a sunset like this.

A walk on the sandy beach,

a cold beer in anticipation of the World Cup final.

A little later, in the garden of a full restaurant,

a TV set, fiery fans and the two of us.

Portugal wins and we cheer along with them.

The waiter winks at me,

you smile as you hold my hand.

After the victory,

we watch fireworks and listen to the sounds

of the celebration of one country,

while fireworks burn in us as well.

We walk again, now on a deserted beach,

absorbing sounds and an unforgettable sight.

That night was the crown of a dream come true.

That night, love won.




SELMA KOPIĆ b. Šehanović is a professor of Bosnian language and literature, born on April 13, 1962 in Tuzla. Author of school textbooks, reviewer, trainer at seminars, lecturer…Many awards for poems and stories that are represented in anthologies and magazines in BiH and abroad. Most significant awards 3rd THIRD PRIZE '' Mak Dizdar '' for unpublished collection of poems '' Puzzle '', Stolac, BiH, 2008 and 1st prize for foreign poem, Italy 2020 poem '' I'm not ready to go yet ''. Selma Kopić is author published poems collection ‘’Sign’’, Tuzla 2020. ‘’The Monument of Love’’, Philippines 2020., ‘’Puzzle’’, Bulgaria/Germany and joint collection ‘’Cosmic Rainbow’’, 2021. India.

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