Monday, July 1, 2024




Serenade Of Flora And Fauna


I look around and find the perplexity of natural parade;

Starry skies above made that chandlaire’s blockade,

Therein – I saw a host of clouds unfurled hidden tears,

The ovation of such tragic rains stormed out human fears,


I look around and find that foray of wrathful motion,

Oceans with the salvation ark, my words struck that caution,

All peoples of sinful earth shall strive to find out solution,

I told myself as I hearken the stampede of that dismay,

Whatever gloomy thronged fixations, I shall pass,

Nothing last in melancholy and monotony, behold- my lass,


A ravishing sensuous insanity crossed my mind,

In the love land of my dreams and those scenes behind,

Replete with vitality and farfetched hope;

Of signs that may lead my way through global horoscope,

I need that foreteller to foresee my muses of disclosed future,

Don’t sweat it – my son, here you are the full picture;

Resounding warry meteors fall from above,

But, peace you sought- for sure – will bring the dove,

That mossy stone you recline on will be a rosy throne,

Of daffodils, lilacs and jasmine, that perpetual Oak; no more moan.


I look around and find constellation of mighty scepters floating,

No evil or diabolical clans on this world can be gloating,

Those fluttered kids of heavenly earth sway out of joy,

Dazzling every senile and every boy,

Away from that travesty of inflicting pains,

Shall rise luminous aspirations devoid of disdains.


I wander through my trembled swathes in spree,

And, find an apparition; made my folk flee,

Like the chessboard of terror knights on patched battlefield,

All floral infestations on fire as rife,

And, my jocund serene pubs on strife.


A dieus !– my dreamy land of quietude and fraternity,

Vamos! Those outrageous horrific seeds for eternity,

Be our ‘hamartia’ is inebriation of passionate solidarity,

Let alone these mongers of hatred and obscenity.


Then, our accolade of coexistence is torn,

A doddering wisdom and virtue borne,

Still, that blackout loom and overwhelm,

Still, my paradise pregnant with ominous whopping realm.


At last, my terrestrial mother nature steadfast,

Still, glancing such glitching postpartum birth of salvation cradle,

Intertwining bygone to the unseen presence to make the blast,

To rid this planet of that baffling tribulation abyss,

Sine die – till the resurrection of the Judgment Day’s bliss!


I Am The Wandering Letter


Behold—here I am the solitary letter,

Let go astray in a paginated paper,

My ink fountain has muttered its insomnia,

I wrote down words and battle myself in a race,

I stay up late at daytime and darkness loom at night,

Therein – could hear all shall carry and trace,

I call upon everyone before the glow of twilight,

How come could eyes blink-my ribs fed up with stress,

How come shall we caress those melancholic setbacks with laughter alright,

And, hide all what may choke of distress,

And, flout all contemptuous abomination and dismiss,

Oh! Let-alone that blackout and sleepless eyelids perplexed till late times,

And, all inflected upon us—such lethal crimes,

I shall lay aside all overwhelming screams into oblivion rhymes,

Behold – the stroke of pens, ripped papers of mine; be it echoless as I feel down,

That serves me right as crippled, knitting my eyebrow and frown,

Does croak of toads prevail in the universe and trumpet?

Verily, the celestial skies manifested as my salvation refuge to glimpse in slumber,

From color to another, we shall stomp it,

Behold-homesick of days, in grey tug of conflicting starry curtains – please hide,

If only I could be back in shape, a free letter without clipping wings – open- eyed.


Farewell My Seagulls


Your guess as good as mine – my seagulls,

I boarded my voyage fleet of horrendous ship hulls,

Without reparation of my heart, even my soul,

Incarnated with despair, out of control.


You can travel hither and thither, as you will,

But I am driven to a shoreless land, and heresy still,

No bag of lies, no wrath, never hail preposterous grudge,

A world of freedom and picturing smirks plunge.


Your to and fro woven in the cobweb of celestial yarn,

Beware of that ambush, beasts of burden beyond – Darn!

Come live and be my endeared company,

Life is such fickle, you are in dire need to accompany.


Rise and shine, my idol bird, give a breathing whiff,

Let my ship sail through mounts of rugged stiff,

Be my flagship of my mast, as a presaging glad tiding,

No longer myself –a harbinger of sacrifice; Eucharist coinciding.


Give me your wings, my mighty sparrow,

Let me soar up high and leave my burrow,

Be my fore-sighting eyes to reach that height,

It doth serve me right!


My phoenix legacy heroine – kindly be my fancied quill,

To fill my poetic lines and spark literacy to mankind instill,

Of noble causes and shiny emblems of altruism to tell,

And to condone those notorious fallacies,

Then hail laudable peace promises;

Thereby – farewell!




AHMED F. BAIDOON: This is Mr. Ahmed F. Baidoon from Egypt, situated on the northern coast of the Mediterranean sea (Damietta), born in 1981, my passion for literary works started at the High School before having my degree at English Department in the university, my former writings during my study were poetic genres translated into the native mother tongue, Arabic, in addition to paraphrasing some poems for Shakespeare, William Words Worth, Yeats and Robert Frost, some highlights on the African contemporary poets and novelists, most of contemporary erudition on the Egyptian writers in literature. Still my poetic modus operandi are reflected throughout finding a manifest-clear equivalent of Arabic literary genre into English context, I am a curious enthusiastic member on the social media Facebook in the forum of Al-jiad in Jordan, Nabd Al-ebda3 Alarabi, Montada Alkalimat in Egypt, Dar Amarji paper editions in Iraq and other Arabic symposia for Poets and literators’ confederations, I won some certificates of appreciation in literary contests as excelled and topped the other colleagues in terms of short stories, micro fiction and poetic stanzas in  Arabic throughout the social media, I am smitten by the English language, rather my Arabic is the most exquisite language with transcendent figures of speech by which I can hardly find an equivalent interpretation into other languages. As for my part, literature is not all-in-all a mere piece of writing that walks and talks, rather ascribing life to non-animate objects and grant life to the surrounding natural elements to be replete with vitality and serenity for the sake of humanity. Attached hereunder some selected poetic archive targeted in March 2024, collections of 3 poems for the World Volume:

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