Monday, July 1, 2024




Ode To Women


Frailty of a woman is not

a benchmark for her strength

She possesses more than

any man can equal

Her appearance is a deception

For she bears the weight of

carrying in her womb children

runs the chakra of procreation

She is the epitome of goodness

but will not hesitate to

take revenge

when cheated


She can rise to all occasions

A caring daughter to her parents

A loving wife to her husband

A doting mother for her children

An all-encompassing person

Bright colour in society's fabric

warp and weft tightly woven

If only men took cognizance

of her immense inner strength

©️Snigdha Agrawal


Bleeding Heart


This act of hiding a bleeding heart

Has turned into an impossible task

Each time the cracks show

red capillaries crisscross

her jaundiced eyes

She laughs at inappropriate moments

talks loudly to drown the sorrow

tries to stem the bleeding

by engaging in small talk

in the hope it will disappear

but it just seems to worsen

©️Snigdha Agrawal




There is a clear disconnect

between "self" and "inner self"

as though two separate identities

resides within the same premises

One absorbs materialistic things

soaks it in all, like a sponge

Others internalise it all

cognizant of the futility involved

both refusing to play ball

Cognitive dissonance fights wars

©Snigdha Agrawal




SNIGDHA AGRAWAL (nee Banerjee) is Bengali born, raised, and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to the Eastern and Western cultures, imbibing the best of both worlds.  With more than two decades of experience working in the corporate sector, her outlook on life is balanced, which is reflected in her writings. A versatile writer, she writes all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues, and hotel/restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor, under the pen name ‘puchka’.  A published author of four books, the latest titled TRAIL MIX, is a book of short stories for all mindsets. The book is available on Amazon. An intrepid traveller, her travel diaries can be accessed in her blog: randomramblings52.  She lives in Bangalore (Karnataka), India.


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