Friday, January 1, 2021





Who Is To Blame


Who killed the smile on my face?

I'm looking for the culprit!

Who put out the fire in my eyes?

I’m Looking for the culprit!

Who killed the passions in me, Woman?

Can the mind be the culprit?

Can cognition be the culprit?

Can you? Can you give me back my smile?

Give me back the fire! Revive my passion!

Don't be the culprit, I was still innocent!

You made me a sinner! You are the culprit!

You keep on, you keep on!

Let that sweet guilt make me happy!





Between me and my innocent body,

You have chosen sinlessness,

Atone to the end of the century.



Our eyes met first and the bodies intact

Except for a hot hand in greetings,

It was as if they were of steel and lightning,

The essence of our fate.



I lost the compasses of passion,

On the banks of two wild rivers,

Where we resisted temptation

Defeating every force, primordial desires.



I Owed To My Body


How a dream greets the body,

And consciousness rejoices in awakening,

Before dawn he held out his hand,

The night was still prevailing,

Like an exchange of shift,

I greeted the morning and said ‘welcome’,

And I gently said goodbye to the night,

With a plea to change again,

And so for a long, long time, there was calm,

I turned the page on the calendar,

I whispered longingly to the day,

Cancel me, conscientiously,

And be a caring guide on your way,

As I rested my anxieties,

And gathered a new strength,

I felt myself that I owed to my body,

As it is yours, and yes, it lasts because of you.



So, Where Is Your Mind



Where's your mind,

Yes your mind, like beauty,

Yes, faith, like strength,

Give you courage,  like words,

And your words are like fire,

Like a lasso, like a noose,

To be angry, I'm a gypsy,

Your eye are not to dew,

I'm not dead, I'm yours.


I'm a gypsy, I hung on you,

You have a clever mind,

Golden teeth in your mouth,

From gypsy you have the golden words,

And in my head my eyes gilded,

All of you are looking.



And It Will Be


And it will be,

A stone over the cold ground,

Pressing frozen heart,

Still in the chest light is compressed,

For life, and there will be peace,

Like a damned silence, day and night,

Above my cry, long hoarse from pressure,

For life and it will be.




And everything will be clear!

And it will be,

And it won't be anymore,

As it has not been for a long time,

A smile on my face to speak by grace

For life whch has gone since long.



You Fascinate Me


I fidget with you

Your night lasts a long time from these riots,

I see you in my mind undefined,

Only those tingles, I see your twinkling eyes,

Like glowworms,

And your hands are painfully empty,

They tell you clearly to love me,

To captivate me with your imagination,

Gently, as I do for you,

In these tiny hours, before going to bed.




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