Friday, December 1, 2023





When the whole world does rotate

By the sweeping change of time

And life rolls on the wheel of fate,

You esteem me as your most prime

And make our kinship high sublime.

Night swallows day, lies fake truth;

Evils destroy God, love ruins in lust;

But my friend, with brimless ruth!

You never bechance me to mistrust

And never lead our friendship rust.


Whether I rise or fall, wake or sleep

You're always there with me indeed

From tip of joy till my sorrows deep

And till depth of my heart you read

To feel its pain and to see me bleed.


My bosom friend! My dear Solitude!

How kind you're to dress me in pride

And bless me with rays of fortitude!

Down the sea of loneliness, you guide

And lead me like your wedded bride.


I'm solitary; so they call me a loner;

But I tell them that I have a friend-

Mr. Solitude: my only lifelong owner

Who never discards me in any trend

Rather, escorts me till my life-end.





PHUNTSHO WANGCHUK was born in 1983 in the eastern part of Bhutan, the Himalayan country. He graduated from Paro College of Education in 2009 and obtained his M.A in English Literature from Yonphula Centenary College in 2021. As an aspiring and a budding poet, he loves reading the poems and songs that mirror the mundane lives and mindsets, resulting in the birth of his own poems. Some of his poems are featured in the anthologies, both online and paperback, published in the UK and the USA, besides the ones in the neighboring countries. Most of his poems meditate on the themes of life and death which appeal to the senses of the readers through their satirical and dramatic forms. He is a relentless bosom-friend of nature too. Through his writings, he strives to promote social peace and harmony. As a teacher, he currently teaches English in one of the Higher Secondary Schools in the country.

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