Saturday, October 1, 2016



I do not know what to regret anymore...
that I cannot reach you through our memories,
that an insane song cannot touch your soul,
or that you reversed yourself on the other side of Life?!...

I watched how spring drained from us
and not even a curved second could see anymore
the Miracle from us!...

Not even my own flying is vertical anymore
and I remained with my wings sealed
running barefoot on the shells of Time
on the look for that plenary Love
which you had promised along a sunset...

You stole the jewels of Time from beneath my eyelids...
just one white night struggled to reach the cloud's temple
and I do not have shores to reach.... anymore...
I just got lost in the morning known by nobody!...


Nici nu mai stiu ce sa regret!...
faptul ca nu mai ajung la tine
prin amintirile noastre,
faptul ca nici macar un cantec nebun
nu iti mai atinge sufletul
sau.... ca te-ai  intors de partea
celalta a Vietii...

Cum s-a scurs primavara dintre noi!...
Si nici o secunda rotunda
nu mai vegheaza Miracolul din noi!

Nici zborul din mine nu mai e vertical!...
Si am ramas cu aripile nedesfacute...
si alerg acum desculta peste cojile Timpului
cautand acea Iubire intreaga pe care
ai promis-o la o margine de amurg...

Ai trisat!... si mi-ai luat Timpul de sub pleoape,
doar o noapte alba mai incearca sa ajunga
sub tampla unui nor...

Nu mai am tarmuri la care sa ajung,
si... m-am pierdut in dimineata
care n-o stie nimeni...


Love!... of so much yearning
I do not know how to count my steps anymore...
of so much longing I grew a forest
on the verge of the World...
of so much craving even the soul
has taken the color of Time!...

Life!.. keeps biting me voluptuously,
wakefulness has become my domain,
because of so many summers
with grizzled blizzards...

Love!... of so much yearning
even our distances have become slippery...
of so much longing I have learned
the rhythm of the occurrences,
to scratch the trees' crusts
so my soul may remain untarnished,
no fears to enclose me
and the sight of our route not to be adrift...

Of so much longing, my Love
even nights lost their prominence,
I wriggle among silenced innuendos
but my Love bloomed in a vertex
and an asymmetrical parabola surges its sensations...

Love!... of so much yearning
I have gathered belated dawns,
meeting you only at the junction
between deja vu and wingbeats...

I master each day how to love my tears
and plant unspoken seeds so,
your Sky will make them grow...

On the verge of my World 
the Oblivion has just started!...

Just a stone remains bewildered!
Even the night smells of amnesia...

In this bittersweet longing
my heart took your heart's frame!...


Dragostea mea!... de atata asteptare
nu mai stiu sa imi numar pasii
de atata asteptare am crescut o padure
la marginea Lumii...
de atata asteptare pana si sufletul
a luat culoarea Timpului...

Viata!... musca din mine voluptos
asteptarea a devenit o stare de trezie
datorita atator veri ce viscolesc carunt....

Dragostea mea!... de atata asteptare
pana si distantele devin alunecoase
de atata asteptare am invatat ritmul intamplarii
si am inceput sa insemnez copacii
ca sufletul-mi sa ramana neintinat
nici o frica sa ma mai impresoare
si sa ma pierd din al meu drum...

De atata asteptare dragostea mea
pana si noptile si-au pierut importanta
ma rasucesc printre soapte tacute
dar iubirea mea s-a inaltat in absolut
o parabola asimetrica imi revela senzatiile...

De atata dragoste am cules rasarituri tarzii
si te intalnesc doar la cumpana intre
deja vu si batai de aripi....

In fiecare zi invat sa imi iubesc lacrimile
seminte cu ganduri nerostite sadesc
poate cerul tau asa le va face sa respire....

La margine mea de Lume
Uitarea a inceput!..............

Doar o piatra a mai ramas incremenita!...
Pana si noaptea e pictata in amnezii...

In aceasta zbatere intre absente dulci amarui
Inima mea a preluat culoarea inimii tale!...


I wonder... what may happen if the edelweiss grows from the vortex of your own rib...

I wonder how is to listen to the perennial grass, glorifying your fragrance of blue currant...

I wonder how is to be grasped by your laurel's leaf spell …. which sings for you lunar hymns...

I wonder how is to face your sight... which writes psalms... forgotten by gods and fairies...

I wonder how is to rebirth yourself from the fiords of your heart... at time... when the horologe has retired.... with its head toward the sea...

I wonder how is to grow kisses on your face embalmed of so many quests.... without alleviation...

I wonder why the albatross passed its wing... and forgot... to count the second...

I wonder why the Time floated its trail on your alabaster face.... with nights... to which I hardly can arrive anymore...

I wonder why the dream did not give trust to your desire....  wings to another consideration...

I wonder how is when the verb cries into your ear... arpeggios and sentences... desireful... cast aside the  world's crossroads...

I wonder how is to erect altars in the penumbra of your intervals... and to smell the summer... how it flows in the hourglass of a butterfly, beating its eyelashes... in the light of the grass...

I wonder how is to dream a high dove dream... as an echo within a dew drop... loosing the sights of the green winters...

I wonder how I can touch the sky with your deep breath... the cranes still fly within my soul... chanting your Being...

I wonder how I can stop the twilight... with closed eyes... to see you in the heart beats... just for you to know: another Star was born!!!

I wonder how is to struggle within an amethyst tear... where... God left another open window... at the beginning of Immortality...

I wonder... how is to breath the night with the final cry and... to burn silently the Time from the ashes... there.... where the snow... forgot your remembrance on your ankle....

I wonder... and I kept on wondering...


Ma intreb.... ce se intampla cand floarea de colt creste in valtoarea coastei tale...

Ma intreb cum e sa asculti iarba perena, slavindu-ti mireasma de coacaz albastru...

Ma intreb cum e sa fii prins in mreaja frunzei tale de laur.... care-ti canta imnuri lunare...

Ma intreb cum e sa infrunti privirea-ti... ce canta psalmi uitati de zei si Cosanzene...

Ma intreb cum e sa te nasti din fiordurile inimii tale, la ora cand orologiul a apus.... cu capul spre mare...

Ma intreb cum e sa cresti saruturi pe chipu-ti imbalsamat de atat cautare... fara alinare...

Ma intreb de ce albatrosul si-a trecut aripa..... si a uitat... sa mai numere clipa!...

Ma intreb de ce timpul si-a petrecut trena pe chipu-ti de alabastru... cu nopti la care nu mai stiu sa ajung...

Ma intreb de ce visul n-a dat crezare dorintei tale... de a inaripa o alta... considerare...

Ma intreb cum e sa-ti planga versul in ureche... arpegii si sentinte... pline de dorinte... pierdute la rascruce de lume...

Ma intreb cum e sa inalti altare in penumbra rastimpurilor tale... si sa adulmec vara... cum curge prin clepsidra unui fluture batand din gene in lumina ierbii...

Ma intreb cum e sa visezi un vis inalt de porumbel... ca un ecou intr-o picatura de roua... uitand... de scrisorile unor ierni verzi...

Ma intreb cum as putea atinge cerul prin respiratia-ti adanca... in sufletu-mi salasluiesc cocorii... doinind al tau firesc...

Ma intreb cum as putea opri cu ochii inchisi sa te pot vedea... in bataia inimii... doar sa stii... s-a mai nascut o Stea!...

Ma intreb cum e sa te zbati in lacrima unui ametist... acolo, unde, Dumnezeu, a mai lasat o fereastra deschisa la rascrucea nemuririi...

Ma intreb cum e sa respiri noaptea cu un ultim plans si... sa arzi tacut Timpul din cenusa... acolo unde... ninsoarea si-a uitat amintirea pe glezna ta...

Ma intreb........ si iar ma intreb!.........


ANCA MIHAELA BRUMA: Educator, lecturer, performance poet, eclectic thinker, mentor with staunch multi-cultural mindset and entrepreneurial attitude, Anca Mihaela Bruma considers herself a global citizen, having lived in four continents. Her eclecticism can be seen in her intertwined studies, she pursued: a Bachelor of Arts (Romania) and a Master of Business Administration (Australia).
The author labels her own writings as being “mystically sensual”, a tool and path for women to claim their own inner feminine powers. She uses poetics as a form of literary education, self-discovery and social