Beyond the magical
world of love
malformed in
monstrous shapes
I crawl on
without breaking
the balance of life
where nothing
substantial exists
just an etheric
where buds of
imagination burst out.
Over the crumbed
plateau of words,
judgements crush,
senses multiply.
As an open wound
in infirmity
ceases the unemployment
in this feeble
vague as the
I get up at the
horizon’s darkness
and soak in the
green of hope
the contours of
the cloak of sadness,
converting the
deep pain
into an absorbent
of the raving
in the light
sleepy wind
that plays the
magical symphony
in the eternal
virginity of creation.
Në krijim
Përtej botës
magjike të dashurisë
e shformuar në
trajta të përçudnuara,
zvarritem nëpër
pragje portash
pa e prishur
drejtpeshimin e jetës,
ku nuk ekziston
asgjë e lëndët,
veç një bote
ku çelin gonxhet e
Në pllajën e
grimcuar të fjalëve,
Si plagë e hapur
shuhet në lëngatë
kësaj dite të
të turbullt, si
Unë çohem
errësirës së horizontit,
ngjyej në jeshile
konturet e petkut
të trishtimit,
duke kthyer
dhimbjen e thellë,
në një simbiozë
të logjikës së
në erën e lehtë
që luan sinfoninë
në virgjërinë e
përjetshme të krijimit.
I slept like every
night and woke up like every day
Like Christ, the
resurrected die every year.
She slept well
last night July of this year died
U fade red roses
on green chest,
And the air
remained in place as blind ...
Morning came
reborn August
Welcome August, as
every year!
Although I do not
like this month
Because it makes
me feel like an outsider at home
Remember suitcase
almost I want to leave
Away our Tirana,
where the air throttle
Rolling green top
Or the waves of
the sea
Where my soul
refreshing ...
And again I
August Welcome!
Mirëseardhe Gusht!
Unë fjeta si çdo
natë dhe u zgjova si çdo dit
Ashtu sikurse
Krishti, vdes e ringjallet çdo vit.
Mbrëmë edhe
Korriku fjeti e për këtë vit vdiq
U vyshkën
trëndafilat e kuq mbi gjoksin e gjelbër,
Dhe ajri mbeti në
vend si i verbër…
Mëngjesit erdhi
Gushti i rilindur
Mirëseardhe Gusht,
si çdo vit!
Ndonëse nuk më
pëlqen ky muaj
Sepse më bën të
ndihem në atdhe si e huaj
Ndaj valiçen e
mbaj gati e dua të ik
Larg Tiranës sonë,
ku ajri të mbyt
Majë kodrinash me
Apo dallgëve të
Ku shpirtin tim
E përsëri
Mirëseardhe Gusht!
That night – ember
of stars
Delayed “Anek” the
trip from Pireaus
And I couldn’t
Impeded, though
Back I didn’t
Hurry, please – I
told them –
Hurry up...!
With the eyes
hinged on the opening door
She waits for me
Migrated and
yearning with longing
In the ancient
island named Crete,
Where embracing
sun and sea
forever sleeps
Oh, mother!
Through August’s
Loaded with pain
And my longing
that was burning the sun
I made my way
through Pindus,
As once the
patriots passed through deers...
I came... I did
come that day
With the eternal
farewell’s scent
To moisten your
To kiss your
The dawn of each
Perturbed I am
A knot of sorrow
in the throat...
Always pining for
you my blessed,
Dear mother
When I am troubled
and lost
Like in between
waves of a storm
I always seek an
advise from you, mother
To reach the shore
or some other land.
Turn my head and
look for you
And mutter to
Wait to ask my
“Anek” ferry will
delay from Pireaus
But will always
find me in the harbors
Like my blessed
mother’s will
On the shore of
Far away in
Pole Star falls
from the sky,
To bring you here
in our midst
The love for each
And the homeland
Our vow for you...
Mamasë Anika
Atë natë prush me
vonoi ”Anek”
lundrimin nga Pireu,
ndaj nuk sosa dot,
ndonëse më
e s’bëra
Shpejtoni, ju
lutem, u thashë,
Me sytë nga dera,
ajo mua më pret.
Mërguar e malluar,
në ishullin e
lashtë me emrin Kretë,
ku përqafuar me
diellin e detin,
Kazanzaqi përjetësisht
Ah, moj mama!
Nëpër vapë
me dhimbje
dhe mallin që
digjte diellin,
çava udhën maleve
të Pindit,
si dikur mes
drerëve kalonin veç komitë...
erdha...erdha atë ditë,
me erën e ndarjes,
të të lagia buzën,
të të puthja sytë...!
Çdo fillim muaji
jam si e hutuar:
Një lëmsh ne
grykë, zemra e rënduar.
Gjithmonë për ty
O Nënë e bekuar!
Kur ndodhem shpirt
si mes dallgësh në
kurdoherë lyp një
prej teje, o nënë,
për të dalë tek
bregu, a diku në anë.
Kthej kokën të
e mërmëris me
dale, them
të pyes njëherë
“Anek” do të vonohet te Pireu.
Por, gjithmonë mua
në liman më pret,
si amaneti i nënës
sime të bekuar,
në anë të
atje larg përmbi
Bie nga qielli
Ylli Polar,
Ty të sjell mes
Dashurinë për
njëri tjetrin,
dhe vendlindjen
e kemi amanet!
KOZETA ZAVALANI: was born in Korça - Albania, on March 8, 1958
and lives in Tirana. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the
University of Tirana in 1982 and in 1985, specialized in journalism. She is the
mother of two sons Mendi and Mikel and wife of the doctor Gjergj Zavalani.
She has worked in Albanian Public Television and now
is Editor in Chief of the magazine "Season for Change" of the
"Family and Media - Power for Change" association, which she leads.
She has been part of several training courses in the literary, publicity, Human
Rights and Leadership.
Awards -"Ambassador for Peace" by the
Universal Peace Federation and elected president Albanian Peace Council for
Tirana from 2011 until 2015.
One of the "Women of the World - 2007” selected
by “Connect Us Communications Canada” with the caption "Editor and Mother,
role model for women"The Special Winner of the Balkan Poetry Evenings, in
Korca, Albania and In "Poetry Korça Nights" in July 2010 won
"Special Award" for literary creativity with a high artistic level,
bringing the value of outstanding and sustainable in the field of poetry. She
was elected president for Tirana of The International Association of Poets,
Writers and Artists “PEGASI” ALBANIA and “Distinguished activist of the Civil
Society”. June 2011: “Olympus Poetry Prize – “Demeter” “In recognition and
appreciation of Exellence in Poetry”."Honorary Diploma of the 1 st
Mediterranean Poetry Festival" and "Certificate of Merit",
Larissa, Greece, 22-World Congress of Poets. November 2011 : Received Title :
"Pride of LNPSHA "Pegasi "Albania with motivation: " The
International Association of Poets, Writers and Artists “PEGASI” ALBANIA For
dynamic contribution of new ideas in the literary and artistic, interpretive,
being turned into a positive example of reference points for performance and
progress ".
Her poetries, especially those from her book
“Migratory”, are published in the several periodical magazines throughout the
world. Literary works: She was co-author in the volumes of stories 2-4-6
"Silent heroes”. In the year 2000 - 2002 volumes 1 and 2 of the book
"Gra që më kanë frymëzuar" in Albanian and "Women who have
inspired me” in English. In 2005 she published the volume "Halfworld"
in English. In 2007 the volume "Gjysmëbota" in Albanian, as well as
the bulletin "Human Rights". In 2010 was launched the volume of
poetry "Migrator". In 2012 she published volume of poetry "Soul
gate" translated into seven languages, English, Italian, Macedonian,
Romanian, Turkish and Greek. In 2014 she published novel “Ankthi” and “ Frymemarrje
Femerore”. In 2015 Poetry Book “Women”.
Participating in many TV shows for the media of
increasing women participation in political and social life. Kozeta is one of
poets participants at the 50 Struga Poetry Evenings and her poems are included
in the book “Poetry from five continents”and in the World Poetry 2011, (Poetic
anthology), Larissa, Greece, and International Festival of Literature in Ordu,
Turkey, In 2012 at the 30th "Albanian poet meeting" in Kosovo, etc.
She initiated of the poetic Manifestation “100.000 Poets for a Different World”
in Albania.
Faleminderit!-Thank you for publishing my poems to Our Poetry Archive V-2 No.-7: OCTOBER 2016: THE EUROPEAN SPECIAL NUMBER Is Now On-Line!This month we are presenting more than 100 poems of 48 poets from Europe. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteFaleminderit!-Thank you for publishing my poems to Our Poetry Archive V-2 No.-7: OCTOBER 2016: THE EUROPEAN SPECIAL NUMBER Is Now On-Line!This month we are presenting more than 100 poems of 48 poets from Europe. Congratulations!